The wrong bride -Ross

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This is the day, the day when the love of your life is getting married to another woman.

You lay on your bed and stare at the ceiling while trying not to cry. Why does it need to go like this? Why can't he just love you back?

"Goodmorning honey!" Rachel walks into your room and you give her a weak smile. "Bad morning.." you murmur as she sits down besides you on the bed. "Oh c'mon Y/n, you need to go to the wedding. Ross wants you there." Rachel tries to get you out of bed.

"Yeah well, he doesn't want me as his bride." you tell her while your eyes start tearing up.

"Okay girls, do we have everything?" Monica asks checking her purse for the fifth time.

"I don't even mind being called one of the girls." Chandler says and you laugh while Monica glares at the both of you. "Stop laughing and get your ass downstairs!" she snaps.

"I would like to give yet another sarcastic comment but by the look on your face I better don't." Chandler tells Monica before walking out of the apartment with you.

The venue is beautiful, you look around and get totally silent.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Rachel says while gasping a little. "I can't wait to get married." Monica says what makes Ross cough. "Oh sorry, this is about you. I know." she quickly says as she runs a hand through her dark hair.

"Will you girls help my bride with the dress, she asked for you guys.." Ross says and the girls give you all a look, knowing that that's probably not something you really want to do. "I can't do it." you mouth and they nod while trying to come up with an excuse.

"We will go and Y/n can help you and the guys." Phoebe finally says. "Yeah because we can't count on Chandler to give fashion advise." Rachel says before storming off with the other girls. "Oh I feel so loved.." Chandler laughs sarcastically and you put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

You're walking around the venue, looking at all the flowers and fairy lights, they only make you more sad.

"Y/n?" you turn around to face Joey who gives you a sympathetic smile. "Ross wants to talk to you." he says and the smile on your face disappears. "I can't talk to him... I hate being here." Joey opens his arms and you walk over to him. He takes you into his arms and presses a soft kiss on the top of your head.

"Look, I know it's hard but Ross needs you. You can do this!" Joey says and you nod.

After taking a deep breath you walk into the room where Ross is changing into his suit. "Thank god you're here!" Ross says while grabbing two of his ties. "He's a groomzilla. I'm out of here." Chandler walks past you towards the door. "Don't leave me alone!" you whisper-yell but he just shrugs. "I'm sorry, but I'm to young to die." he says dramatically before walking out of the room. You roll your eyes and turn around to face Ross again.

"Which one? Navy blue or black?" he asks while holding the ties infront of him.

"Black." you say and he smiles nervously while throwing the other tie away. "I'm so nervous.." he mumbles while he tries to fix his tie. He is indeed nervous because he can't even put on his tie, he is struggling and you sigh. "Oh goddamnit!" he yells and you walk over to him. "Let me do it." he nods and hands you the tie.

The feeling of Ross's eyes staring at your face makes you blush. "Here you go." you say before letting the tie hang loos. "Thank you!" he yells and before you know it, his lips are on yours.

"Ross what are you doing?" you ask after you pull away. "Oh god I don't know.." he says while running his hands up and down your back. You press your lips onto his for the second time and it feels like magic.

"I don't think I'm getting married today." he whispers and you laugh before pecking him on the lips again.

"I'm sorry..."

"Oh no don't be, I'm glad we kissed. I've always loved you."

"You can't believe how happy this makes me, I love you too.." he smiles before kissing you again.

The next time he got married, was with the one he was supposed to be with. You.

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