New love - Chandler

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Waking up besides Chandler in his apartment is weird, but a good kind of weird.

The first two months that you guys started dating you decided to hide the relationship for the others. You were scared that it would affect the friendship that you guys had.

You recently broke the news to everyone and they were all very happy for you two, so that made you feel more comfortable with being open about your relationship.

Chandler's still asleep and he's looking super adorable, you plant a soft kiss on the top of his head before getting out of the bed. You put on his shirt that's laying around the room and then try to leave as silent as possible.

Joey also seems to be asleep considering that the apartment is empty. This is a perfect chance to make breakfast and impress Chandler when he wakes up, also Joey because he has been a good friend.

There's not much in the fridge but they do have eggs and some leftover bacon.

"Chandler, did you cook?"

A confused Joey walks out of his room and when he sees you he smiles. "I did.." you answer him. "Wow, you woke up and came to our apartment to make us breakfast. How sweet!" Joey says before walking over towards the kitchen island and sitting down on a stool.

"Joe, I slept here." you say what makes him give you a confused look as you put a plate of eggs infront of him.

"On the couch? Why? Are you in a fight with Monica?" he eats some of his eggs and you laugh while shaking your head.

"I'm Chandler's girlfriend now, remember?"

"Oh, yeah.." he nods and you let out a chuckle before running a hand through your hair. "I'll need to get used to that." Joey says before looking up at you and sending you a smile, you send him one back.

It's actually very pleasant to eat breakfast with Joey, you two have been talking about a tv show that you're both following and it's nice because Joey is really invested in it and so are you.

"That's what I thought, I was like: 'Leave that prick!' and I still stand by that." Joey says, what makes you nod your head because you couldn't agree more.

"Joe.. Why are you planting ideas in my girlfriend's head? I'm not emotionally stable enough for her to leave me."

Chandler's voice makes you turn your head, he is walking out of his room and the words he said made you chuckle. Joey quickly explains that it's not about him but about the tv show that you two watch and Chandler made it clear to him that he already figured that out and he was just trying to joke around.

"I wouldn't leave you.. I'm not tired of you yet." you say as Chandler has now walked up to you, you're sitting down on a kitchen stool next to Joey.

Chandler chuckles at your words before tucking some strands of hair behind your ears and then leaving his hands on your cheeks so he's cupping your face, he slowly lowers his face so he can press his lips on yours.

"Alright guys.. I get it, you're in love and all. Great, can you not rub it in my face." Joey says.

You pull back out of the kiss and turn your head so you can get a glimpse of Joey's facial expression and it makes you break into laughter.

"What do you mean? Is it about the kissing? No.. I finally got a girl and I'm going to enjoy that." Chandler says before he presses some kisses on
your face and neck.

"Okay.. But I'm not enjoying that." Joey says, what makes you laugh and push Chandler off you.

Okay.. But Joey is my mood when I see people in love.. Lol.

Also, uploaded a new fanfic so maybe you can go and check that out if you want to. :))

Thanks for all the votes!

Sending you guys some love today,

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