Fired - Chandler

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You're fired, just like that.

Your boss is telling you to get out and honestly you can't be bothered anymore. You grab your coat and walk out of the place, with tears in your eyes. This sucks, you can't even keep a job...

Monica's cooking as you walk into the apartment. "Hi, I thought you were working today." she says before tasting the sauce she just made. "I'm fired." you mumble before letting yourself fall down on the couch.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry!" you shrug as you hear her walking over to you.

"My life sucks." you sigh.

"No it doesn't." she says before rubbing your back.

Rachel walks into the apartment and the first thing she sees is Monica who's comforting you. "I'll get the wine." you hear her say as you lay your head on Monica's shoulder.

"Honey! I'm home!"

Chandler walks into the apartment and he looks so happy. "Wow, you seem happy." Rachel says, sounding very surprised.

"I had an amazing day!" he walks over to you and gives you a peck on the lips. "How was your day?" Monica looks at you but you ignore her and smile. "Fine, but tell me more about your day." you tell him, it makes him smile before getting a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Tell him!" Monica whisper-yells but you shake your head. "No!" you whisper-yell back before looking at Chandler.

"Guess who got a promotion, this guy." he points at himself and everybody cheers. "Oh I'm so proud of you!" you smile before hugging him.

"Congrats!" Rachel smiles together with Monica.


"Thanks for the lunch, Mon."

"You're welcome." she smiles and then Chandler looks at you.

"Didn't you have work today?" he asks and his question makes you nervous. "Oh no, I got the day off." you lie.

"Oh great, well have fun girls." he kisses you quickly before walking out of the apartment.

"Seriously Y/n.." Monica sighs before looking at you.

"I didn't want to ruin his day, he was so happy for once."

"Yeah I get that." Rachel smiles softly at you as tears form into your eyes again. "You'll have to tell him." Monica says. "I know." you say while giving her a look.


It's late as Chandler finally gets home.

"Promotion equals way more work and people hating me."

"Oh.." you frown but it makes him shrug and then walk over to you.

"It's fine, I didn't feel like me when I was happy." he says what makes you laugh and slap him playfully on the chest.

He kisses you softly before sitting down on the couch. "I need to tell you something." he looks up with a worried look on his face.

"I lied to you.."

"Don't tell me you don't actually like me."

"No," you mumble as you sit down next to him.

"I'm fired.."

A single tear rolls down your face as he sighs. "Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier?" he puts an arm over your shoulder and pulls you closer towards him. "I wanted you to feel happy, but with a useless girlfriend like me, who can't even keep a job.."

"Don't say that, you're the perfect girlfriend!" Chandler reassures you, it makes you smile and look back up into his eyes. "Your boss was a huge dick anyway!"

"That's true." you laugh, making him chuckle aswell before he wipes a lonely tear from your cheek and then presses a kiss onto your lips.

He's such a good boyfriend and you're so happy with him...

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