One night stand - Chandler

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You wake up in a room that isn't yours and feel the presence of someone next to you. As you sit up, you slowly turn your head to look at who's laying next to you. Chandler. You sigh deeply before running your hands through your hair, "oh god.." you mumble before looking besides you again.

Trying not to make to much noise you get out of his bed and gather your clothes together that are laying around the room. You put on your sweater and then walk out of the room, hoping that Joey isn't awake or that Chandler will wake up.

After peeking from behind the door, you see that nobody is in the apartment. This is your chance to sneak out without anyone seeing you, and you quickly take that chance.

You slam the frontdoor of Monica's apartment shut and sigh. "Uh? How do you explain this?" Monica is looking at you from the kitchen table where Rachel also sits, she's smirking at you. "Explain what?" you ask like nothing happend. "That's the walk of shame!" Rachel says while she keeps that smirk on her face.

"You hooked up with somebody? Who?" Monica asks curiously.

"Oh would you just let me live.." they laugh as you walk over to the fridge and grab some orange juice. "We're your best friends, we're supposed to know these things." Monica says."Well, you didn't tell me that you slept with Richard again." you say what makes her gasp.

"Mon, seriously?" Rachel asks, the tone in her voice sounding disappointed, while Monica sends you a glare.

"Yes, I had a one night stand, but I don't know how to feel about it.." you say before drinking some orange juice. "What do you mean?" you look at Rachel and sigh.

"It's with someone that I know."

"With who?" Monica asks and you sigh deeply knowing that you have to tell them now.

"Chandler." you mumble very quietly.

"Wait what? I didn't hear you." Rachel says.


"Oh god!" she gasps before they both break into laughter. "Really?" Monica asks and you nod. "Was he good?" Rachel asks what makes you both look at her. "Rachel!" Monica warns her. "What? I wan't to know!" she defends herself and you laugh before shaking your head.

"What did he say about it?" Rachel asks while you pour some more orange juice into your glass.

"Uh, I don't know.." you shrug. "What do you mean? you don't know?" Monica asks looking at you again.

"I walked away before he woke up." you mumble.

"Oh Y/n, no!" Monica sighs while shaking her head. "You need to go back to him, it will only get more awkward if you don't confront him." you look at Rachel and sigh.

"Do you like him?" Monica asks and it get's you thinking.

Maybe you do like him, he is the only person that you can think about most of the time, and sleeping with him was amazing. "That's a yes!" Rachel answers for you what makes them both cheer.

You can't even believe that you are walking back to his apartment, the girls convinced you. "You got this.." you mumble to yourself before knocking on the door. Joey opens the door and as soon as his eyes meet yours he starts to smirk.

"Coming back so soon."

"Oh shut it, Joey!" you softly push him out of your way and walk inside.

Chandler is sitting at the kitchen island and he's looking pretty disappointed.

"Chandler!" he looks up and when he sees it's you, he smiles. "Oh hi." he sends you a weak smile.

"I'm so sorry.." you say before walking closer towards him.

"For what? please don't say that you were drunk last night." he looks very anxious all of the sudden.

"I wasn't." you smile softly what makes him smile back at you. "I like you, and I want to be with you." you admit to him.

"So cute!" you hear Joey gasp what makes you look at him. "Go on." he says and you laugh before turning around to face Chandler again.

"I like you too." he says while standing up.

"Then, kiss me please." you tell him, making him smile before walking over to you and pressing his lips onto yours.

Never knew a one night stand could get you a boyfriend...

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