Drunk - Chandler

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It's your birthday, the big thirty today..

You can't believe that you have gotten so old, you really thought that by now you would have your life on rails but that's not the case at all.

In the last few months, you have lost your job and apartment. You had to move in with your boyfriend Chandler but it didn't feel right because of the circumstances, you just had no choice because otherwise you would be homeless.

So celebrating your birthday? No, that's not something you want to do today.

What's there to celebrate? Being a failure at age thirty.. You have made it very clear to the gang that you don't want a party or gifts or just anything that relates to birthdays but ofcourse they didn't listen.

You know that there's a surprise party because Joey had the job to take you from Central Perk to Monica's apartment, when the time was right to go party, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut. That led to a serious mental breakdown causing you to go to the closest liquor store and chug a bottle of whatever alcohol they had to offer there that was in your price limit.

"Y/n! I have been looking all over for you!"

Joey comes running down the street and shakes his head to himself as he sees you sitting on a bench, clearly intoxicated.

"Well.. you found me.. now it's my turn to find you." You place your hands infront of your eyes and giggle before you start a countdown. "Five...four..two..one!" you let your hands fall down from your face and see that Joey is still standing in the same position.

"You're no fun." you pout before taking the last sip of your bottle, making it empty now.

"Y/n, we have to get you to the party... just act sober." Joey sighs before taking your hand and pulling you up from the bench. "No problemo." you say before letting go of him and showing him how well you can still walk, well that's what you thought but you fell down after just a couple of steps.

"They're going to kill me." Joey murmurs to himself before running his hands through his hair and walking over to you so he can pull you back up.

After what seemed hours of walking, you finally are standing infront of Monica's apartment. Joey looks at you and sighs deeply before running a hand through your hair, so it falls right and adjusting your clothes so you don't look like a mess.

"Act like your sober, okay?"

"Who's sober? I'm Y/n and I'm fine." you say what is followed by Joey cursing something under his breath, he knocks on the door and walks inside without waiting for somebody to open up.


So many people are jumping from behind couches and doors and other hiding places, it scares the living shit out of you. A loud yell leaves your mouth as you hide underneath the jacket of Joey.

"She's very happy that you're all here.. that was a happy yell." Joey laughs awkwardly before pulling you from under his jacket. An angry Monica walks over to you and is followed by the rest of the gang who seems quite concerned.

Everybody else goes back to what they were doing as Monica sits you down on a chair and gives you a big glass of water.

"Are you drunk?" she asks, you shake your head before responding: "No I'm Y/n." 

Monica sighs deeply and Rachel needs to try her best to hold back her laughter, so does Phoebe. Chandler squats down so he's on your eye level and a big smile forms itself on your face as you see him.

"Well.. helloooo Mister. You're very sexy." you tell him, a laugh escapes his lips as he wipes some strands of hair out of your face. "Why are you drunk?" he asks, laying his hands onto your thighs.

"I don't want to celebrate my birthday.. I'm a failure!"

"Oh no sweetie, you're not." Rachel pouts as she walks closer so she can stand behind you and place her hands onto your shoulders. "She's right babe, you're not. Life's just a little hard right now but everything will fall into place again. You have me to help you with that." Chandler says, making tears pop up into your eyes.

"That's so sweet, I love you." you move forward so you can press a little kiss onto his lips and it makes him smile. "I love you too." he mumbles against your lipst before giving you another kiss.

"Now, let me greet the guests!"

You stand up and push everybody away from you so you can stand up on the kitchen chair. "No, honey.." Rachel tugs on your jeans but it doesn't stop you.

"Hello everybody!" they all turn around so they face you and you need to try your best to not fall of the chair, Ross stands besides you and you use him for support by resting your hand onto his head.

"Thanks for coming.. and happy birthday to me!"

They all cheer and raise their glasses at you, a smile forms itself onto your face but that quickly disappears when the alcohol in your stomach has now mixed with the two cups of coffee you had when you were waiting for Joey in Central Perk.

"Now, I'm going to puke!" you announce before stepping of the chair and running to the bathroom.
Phoebe follows you so she can pull back your hair as you hang over the toilet.

No matter how shitty life may get, you still know that they will be there for you..

Hi guys!!

Finally a new imagine, I love seeing that this book has so many views and votes. I love seeing your comments aswell, so definitely keep doing that. :)

Lots of love

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