Fake gf - Chandler

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Chandler is walking in circles and it is getting on your nerves.

"Please sit down, you're being so annoying!" Rachel sighs before drinking some of her coffee. "Well I'm sorry, but I want to die right now." Chandler sits back down on his chair and everybody gives him a weird look.

"What's going on with you?" Monica asks as Chandler runs his hands through his hair.

"I kind off called Janice again, asking her to meet me in Central Perk." he mumbles. "Oh no, not Janice!" Joey pouts what makes Chandler give him a glare. "I thought you were through with that relationship, well that's what you said after calling her that last time." Ross looks at Chandler who nods.

"I know, I'm very emotionally unstable." he says, making you laugh.

"Oh. My. God!"

You don't even have to turn around to know who just walked through the door. Chandler's face drops as soon as he hears that annoying voice. "Chandler Bing!" Janice walks closer towards the couch where everybody is sitting on. "Hi, Janice." Chandler laughs nervously while standing up and you can't help but laugh at him.

"I'm sorry Chandler, but I'm married now!" she shows you all her ring and your mouth drops to the floor. That's something you didn't expect to hear today. Everybody is exchanging looks as Chandler stays awfully quiet. "Well.. the ring is gorgeous." Rachel says to break the silence. She get's a glare from Chandler what makes her roll her eyes before signing him to say something.


Chandler finally finds the strength to say something but he tries to avoid eyecontact with Janice by looking around. "I happen to have a girlfriend aswell." he says what makes everybody look very surprised and confused. You're pretty sure he's bluffing right now and to be honest you hope that Janice will just leave, Chandler is probably dying on the inside.

"Oh, really?" Janice asks, she doesn't believe him. "Yeah, yeah I have one." Chandler nods confidently while looking at the gang to help him out. Nobody knows what to say or do, this is the most awkward situation ever.

"She happens to be Y/n, you still know her do you?" you almost spit out your sip of coffee after hearing the words that just came out of Chandler's mouth.

"Y/n? I don't believe that." Janice laughs before looking at you. You're frozen in the moment, not really knowing what to do but then you see how helpless Chandler is looking you in the eyes.

"It's true." you put down your cup of coffee and stand up.

"I'm the girlfriend of this nice young fella." you pat Chandler on the chest what is followed by some silent laughs of the others.

"Since when?" Janice asks and you look from Chandler towards her and then back. "Four months, yeah we are going so strong!" Chandler says while nodding proudly. "You don't really look in love.." Janice says before giving you her annoying laugh.

"Oh we don't? Well we are, very much actually-" you cut of Chandler by pressing your lips against his.

Everybody is totally in shock with what is happening right now, you and Chandler are making out in the middle of Central Perk all to make Janice jealous. You both pull back to catch some breath and to be honest, that kiss gave you butterflies. "Well I'm happy for you Chandler." Janice says with a smile on her face. "Yeah me too.." Chandler smiles as he watches how Janice walks out of Central Perk.

Both you and Chandler sit back down on your places and everybody is still shocked, so are you.

"Okay, we're not going to pretend that nothing happend. I won't let that happen!" Rachel says with an excited tone in her voice. "Oh me neither, they kissed!" Joey cheers and your cheeks are blushing so bad right now.

"Thanks for helping me out." Chandler says while turning towards you. "No problem, I liked it." you smile and he gives you a shy smile back.

At that moment you didn't even realize that this will be the beginning of your relationship. It's the story that you tell your kids on how you two first knew that you liked eachother.

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