Art - Joey

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Finally, you put down your brush and smile at your finished artwork. Paint is hanging everywhere but you're lucky that you're using and old shirt from Joey's. This is the first artwork that you have finished in months, it gets hard sometimes but you're feeling good today.

The first thing you hear as you leave your room is Monica and Rachel who are talking about the new guy at Monica's work.

"Oh hi Y/n!" Rachel smiles as she notices you walking towards them. "Looks like someone has been painting.." Monica smiles and you nod.

"Hi guys!"

Joey walks into the apartment and he looks around but stops when he sees you. "Y/n, you're looking good in my shirt." he grins and you laugh. "Yeah but I'm a little full of paint."

"I hope you have some food, Mon." he walks over to the fridge and starts looking for anything to eat.

"I need to go to work.." Rachel sighs as she stands up. "Me too, please make sure that Joey doesn't eat all of our food." she says to you before leaving the apartment with Rachel.

"I wouldn't do that!" Joey yells after her what makes you laugh.

"Yeah you would."

"Yeah.." he admits what makes you laugh again.

"So how's the painting going? Sold some pieces lately?" he asks while sitting down at the kitchen table. "It's alright, I can't complain. But I'm waiting on a call back from an art dealer."

"What does he want?" Joey asks.

"He was intrested in some of my art and would pay a lot of money for it too."

"Nice!" Joey smiles and you nod.

The phone rings and Joey looks from you to the phone and back. "Oh, maybe it's him." you quickly make your way over to the phone and pick up. It's the art dealer, but with bad news. As you hang up the phone, tears form themselves into your eyes.

"What's going on? What did he say?" Joey asks while walking over towards you. "He isn't going to buy anything.." you mumble while a tear rolls down your cheek. "After taking a second look, it turned out that my art wasn't that good after all." more tears roll down your cheeks as Joey pulls you into a hug.

"I don't think he knows what he's talking about, your art is amazing!" Joey mumbles while he holds you close. "Maybe it isn't.." you pull away out of the hug and walk to your room, slaming the door shut behind you.

"Y/n, please let me in!"

Joey knocks on your door, he has been quiet for a while out there. "What?" you open the door and Joey gives you a cheeky smile. "I called that loser." he says while walking into your room.

"Oh god, what did you say?"  you ask.

"I told him that he is very stupid, and that he doesn't know anything about art."

"Oh no.." you sigh while running your hands through your hair.

"Yeah, I did that. He hurt you Y/n, and I can't stand that." he walks closer towards you what makes you look him into his eyes.

"Thanks for caring so much about me" he smiles at your words.

"I'll show you just how much I care." he says before pressing his lips onto yours.

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