Love/Hate - Chandler

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A big sigh leaves your mouth as you are seated at your breakfast table, trying to enjoy some breakfast in peace but Chandler is chewing his food so loudly that it bugs you.

"Chandler! Close your mouth for god's sake.."

"Don't be so dramatic, Y/n." he bites back what makes you roll your eyes and drop your spoon in your bowl of cereal.

"Can you guys stop fighting for like two seconds. It's exhausting." Monica says, glaring at you both. "It's what we do Mon, what do you expect from us?" Chandler asks making you nod and grabbing your spoon again.

Chandler has been your crushemy for about five months now. To clearify, that means; crush and enemy.

Sometimes you could kill him but you also want to kiss and love him. It's very complicated and you don't really know how he's feeling towards you.. the only thing is that this will probably never change, you two hate eachother and everyone knows that. Although something in you hopes to love him someday.

"I have to go, you two need to do something for me today." Monica says, making you two give her a terrified look.

"No way. We can't work on anything together." Chandler says dramatically, making you nod.

"Last time, I almost choked him with my bare hands." you tell her. "I mean, I wouldn't mind if she did.." Chandler says, making you give him a look. He sends you a small smirk and you roll your eyes before looking back at Monica, trying to hide the fact that he makes you blush.

"Well, you two will have to work it out. They are delivering my new mattress but I have to go to work. So be good and don't kill eachother." Monica grabs her coat and purse from of the coat rack and then leaves the apartment.

"So... just the two of us now, huh?" Chandler looks at you and you sigh.

Just before you can say something else, the doorbell rings. Chandler stands up and answers, it's the mattress company and you'll have to go downstairs to carry it up the many stairs.

"Monica knows why she lets the damn thing deliver when she has to go to work, we have to carry it all the way up the stairs." you sigh as you look at the big mattress that lays down infront of you.

"Stop complaining so we can do this already." Chandler says, making you glare at him before grabbing your side of the mattress.

The mattress is much heavier then you expected it to be, you take a break in the middle of the stairs and it makes Chandler groan loudly. "We can't take a break after every two steps!" Chandler raises his voice. "Oh don't start with me Bing, I'm about to go crazy." you warn him, it makes him give you a look.

"About to? You're already acting crazy." he bites back, thank god that the mattress is inbetween you two or you would of have literally killed him. You give him the finger before picking up the mattress again.

"Thank god!" you say as you finally arrive on the right floor, you have never been happier to see Monica's familiar apartment door.

"Now, let's carry this thing inside." Chandler says, you were actually thinking of taking a break first but apparently that's not what he has in mind. You decide to just keep quiet and do what he says because you are over all the arguing.

"That's far enough, she can carry it in her own room." you say as you drop the mattress on the floor right infront of her room.

"Seriously? You're giving up now?" he gives you a judgmental look and a big sigh leaves your mouth. "I've had it with you.." you snap. "Oh really? Well, I have had it with you too!" Chandler says, sticking his tongue out like he insults you with that.

"Watch it, Mister."

You walk over to him and before you can even slap him on the arm, he has already pushed you down on the mattress. Jokes on him because you could get a hold of his arm, so now he's also laying on the mattress.

You have never been this close to him, he hoovers over you a little and you guys hold eyecontact for a couple seconds. His eyes flicker to your lips and then back to your eyes, it makes you realize how bad you want him.

"Kiss me, Chandler Bing."

He doesn't even question the words you just said to him, he presses his lips on yours and you feel your heart warm up. Finally you can confirm the feeling you always had, you feel the magic when he kisses you.

"Let's be more then enemies.." he mumbles against your lips, it makes you chuckle and nod.

This one was requested :))

Sending virtual hugs <3

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