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Narrator's POV

The sound of your shoes clicking on the ground as you shifted your white sleeve unbuttoning the first top two buttons letting a cool breeze into your neck. You sit on one of the benches the Hospital had, One particularly under a tree.

The hot atmosphere inside that Hospital was unbelievable. As if you are literally in hell. Your back aches as you purposely wrapped the bandage tightly around your breasts, the itching feeling you have, also on the half of your face that was covered in bandage.

You took a deep breath before staring at your left amputated leg before scratching it slightly. Soon enough you saw a blonde young boy whose head was as low as it can be.

You lifted your hand up and called out for him. He looked at you, and immediately run towards you without hesitation.

"Oh, uhm hi... so I heard you've been recovering. At least now you can talk."

"Apparently I've been put through psychological treatment... Because I've lost memories..

But that was a lie I made up...."

The boy stared at you in shock, and in fear. For he knows what will happen to those who lie here. Especially when you're one of those 'race of demons'. The penalty is much harsher than normal.

"I did that because... I.. didn't want to meet my family, I don't want them to see me.... a failure. As for everyone in here... they had been broken. The person they once was, is just a memory now, they are left with nothing, robbed with all of their sanity and freedom and is left to rot in their minds. Some who held onto their sanity are those who are still hoping for freedom. That's why they fought and kept on fighting, seeing a ray of light far away, they followed clinging into sanity and the things that's pushing them forward. Whether that Light is freedom or just another hell. No one really knew, but only the ones who are moving forward."

The young boy shifted in his seat rather uncomfortable with the statement you just said, maybe a bit disturbed, and overwhelmed. He never really view it that way.

"Say, you are one of those kids. You want to be an Honorary Marleyan?"

"I want to but... there's someone who's better than me. I bet you already heard of her. She's actually popular here, she served a great purpose on the recent war."

"You are a good person. I'm glad, that you won't be chosen."

"That's not really the point. My brother had already secured his place with the Beast, but... I just can't let her be one."

"I see... you have... feelings for the girl? That makes sense, so you plan on marrying her so that she would be one?"

The boy blushed, what you just said was the truth. In every detail, although he couldn't admit it. He was too shy, and the girl is too oblivious.

"That's really selfless. You could just eat the jaw instead, it's for selfless people after all."

"I don't care...! I want to save her-oh!"

He was suddenly already late for his curfew. He stood up and adjusted his bag.

"You're going now?"

"Yup My curfew is almost up."

"Oh, I have a favour to ask you."

The boy stared at you with a confused look. As you fish out an envelop out of your pocket and hand it to him.

"I want you to send this letter for me."

"Is this for your family?"

"Yeah, I just want to let them know I'm ok. But I can't send it here, they'll check the content and will know that I'm just faking my illness. So, send this outside the interment zone. And thank you."

"Ok I got you Mr....?"

"Reiss... Eren Reiss. You are?"

"Right, I'm Falco Grice. I'll see you around Mr Reiss!."


"I'm glad that you made for me. This is really important, thank you for coming despite the very short notice."

A man in white coat appeared behind the wall you are leaning on. He puffed out some smoke from his burnt cigarette, taking one last huff from it behind throwing it to the ground and squishing it under his foot.

He took a look at your form, his similar icy orbs inspecting your form, at least far away people can assume you're a male, your hair has been cut into a fine undercut, a longer dark bangs covering the half of your face.

You looked at him your eyes, dull and void of emotion. You look tired.

"So, it has been a while you look much haggard than the last time we met, Ernesta."

"Mmm.. Hello.. So.. what was that plan of yours??"

[Y'all don't expect me to write the S4 right?]

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