(23) I will Find you part 1

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The campers, hunters, and Olympians moved to the amphitheater. Lord Zeus believed that it would be a better place to discuss the matter. As soon as we got there we sat on the chairs listening to what they had to say.

"Young demigods, as we mentioned, Artemis has been kidnapped and we don't know who took her or where she is."

Sure Artemis being kidnapped was a big deal but it still a surprise that the Olympians would come down here. And what's with Percy. Lord Poseidon seemed to be really worried. I must not be the only one that thinks something is off here. I scanned the crowd but they seemed too focused on what the gods were saying. Even Annabeth didn't look too perplexed but maybe she's just hiding it for now. 

I turned back to the Olympians. It seemed Lord Apollo and my father was back but Poseidon was still not here. 

"Well, what are we going to do about it?" A demigod asked.
"I-" the king was about to answer when thunder boomed. Everyone turned to Zeus.
"I'm sorry my lord I didn't mean to offend or question you. Please excuse my informalities." The demigod quickly squeaked.
"That wasn't me," the king responded. 

Thunder kept booming and lightning flashed in the clouds. Gradually the winds began to pick up and the sky darkened considerably. Everyone was starting to get anxious. 

A fog began to fill the amphitheater I could feel an unfamiliar aura, causing everyone to grab their weapons. 

Out of the distance, I could hear footsteps. 

Suddenly, a shadowy figure came out from the trees. To say everyone was shocked by what they saw would be an understatement.

The figure kept walking closer to us. IMPOSSIBLE. IT CANT BE.

Out of nowhere a demigod screamed out a battle cry and charged at the figure.

'What an idiot. Does he not know who that is,' I thought. 

Before the demigod could reach it the figure held out its hand and made a swiping motion. The half-blood was sent flying, hitting a tree.

The figure kept walking until it was standing right in front of Zoe.

The figure was THE ORACLE OF DELPHI.

I looked back at the gods. Their expressions were unreadable. 

The oracle opened its mouth and said these very words...

6 hunters and campers must go
Face the challenges the fates will throw
Be careful for one shall fall prey
Their trust will sway
To save the moon
He must recover soon
They will go west
Where the huntress failed her test

The glowing red light in the oracles eye dimmed until it was pitch black. It suddenly fell but one of the Apollo campers was able to catch it in time. He carried it to a corner and set it down and returned to his spot.

Everyone just watched him until Zoe broke the silence.

"I'm going, Phoebe is coming too and so is Bianca." She spoke.

"Wait. You must remember to bring campers along with you." Chiron interjected. 

"Frankly I don't trust any of them enough. But it is for the sake of my lady. Select the campers for me Chron. I trust your judgment. But please keep in mind that they must not hinder us on this mission."

"Very well," he nodded. "I choose Annabeth, Thalia, and...and Luke"

I noticed her visibly wince at the mention of my name. 

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