A/n: Unrelated

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So this really doesn't have to do anything with this story but i just want to ask you guys something really quick.

Have you guys read my story Percy Jackson: Son of Chaos and Guardian of the Hunt? Well if you haven't please go check it out so you know what I'm talking about. its only a few chapters long.

Anyway for those of you who have read it I'm sorry for not updating in a really long time. its just the plot has been written over a million times already i just don't fell like doing it any more but if you guys really want it i'll keep updating.

I'll give you guys choices on what to do with the story. Please vote

1. continue the story as it is. ( if u pick this tell me why)

2. Rewrite the story with a similar plot but different ( not one where it is simply a new kid who comes and the whole camp betrays percy or annabeth cheating on him. though it has a little bit of those same factors but way more complex and reasonable).

3. I dont continue it at all and delete the story sometime later.

Voting starts time and ends on December 26, 2014

Please vote

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