(8) Suspicions Part 2

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"Who are you?" The 12-year-old goddess asked looking at every single one of us.

"We are demigods my lady" I spoke

"Oh, you must-" she said but suddenly stopped when she saw Percy. When she saw her eyes widened like they were going to pop. This confused me, but what confused me the most was the way she was looking at him. She looks at him like she knew who he was. I also noticed some of her hunters were giving him a weird look but I couldn't decipher it. Ughh how irritating. This gave me endless unanswered questions and confusion.

Then the silence was broke when Percy said the dumbest thing in the world, "Uh....is there something on my face?"

Thalia, Grover, and I facepalmed and yelled "YOU IDIOT"

"Huh?" was the only thing he said

I love the guy to no end...I mean he's a really good friend, but he has these moments where I just want to strangle him to death. 

Then he asked a question that made me confused even more, "Um... Not to be rude or anything but you guys look very familiar. Have we met before?" Gods know how much I hate being confused...I mean hello I'm the daughter of the goddess of wisdom. Children of Athena are supposed to be really smart.

The maiden Goddess responded," No boy I am Lady Artemis maiden goddess of the moon and the hunt." Could she be lying? If she is why? What is she hiding? I know she's a goddess who should not be questioned but I can't help but be suspicious.

"We will set up camp here. My hunters will give you three spare tents. After we set up I want you all to give me a full report of what happened here in my tent. Move along demigods, and hunters set up and give them their tents. And attend to the injured ones" she said

But Percy being himself had to stubbornly ask "Are you sure we haven't met?"
"This the last time I'm answering that question boy. No! You are dismissed." She replied in the coldest tone I have ever heard before turning around.
"But-" Percy said before I interrupted him.
"Just let it go Pe-" I said warningly but was soon cut off when Percy did something incredibly stupid. 

"Wait!" He shouted grabbing Lady Artemis' hand forcing her to turn around.

My gods what is he thinking. Does he have a death wish? She the maiden goddess for god's sake. The queen of hatred toward men and may I remind you that she is also the leader of the hunt which is a group of man-hating women. She can hardly tolerate the mere presence of a male imagine what she would do if a person from the male species actually touched her. Oh, Percy, you are so screwed.

"Let go boy! If you don't I'll-" She yelled but was interrupted by Percy's scream of pain.
"AAAAHHHHHHH!" He screamed still holding onto her hand. He was glowing in a mixture of numerous different colors with cracks electricity forming around him. The electricity glowed blue and yellow and made the sound of lightning that only Zeus could form. After his cry of pain, he let go of her hand and fell on the ground unconscious.

I was shocked at what happened and was frozen solid where I stood. When I finally snapped back into reality I ran over to him.
I held him in my arms shaking him awake. "Wake up please, seaweed brain" I cried. Thalia and Grover also ran to my side gathering around him. Their faces were filled with worry.

My cry for him was stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Lady Artemis with an unreadable expression. But I didn't care I was worried about Percy's safety and anger and sadness filled my heart.

"What did you do to him!!!?!" I yelled tears streaming down my face
She was taken aback by my outburst but soon had a face full of anger. I was scared of what she would do but it surprised me when she actually responded in a calm voice.

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