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Y/n and Touya got ready to leave as the sun started going down. Y/n had managed to get her agency to send a costume that matched hers a little bit for Touya to use. 

His was a simple black pair of jeans and combat boots with a black undershirt and leather jacket that had blue linings on the inside.

The linings on my jacket were scarlet, so they didn't exactly match.

"Alright, what's your hero name going to be?" y/n asked as she handed him his gloves, pushing the door open with the other hand. "Mine is Crescent, but I was thinking of changing it to Tsukiakara, the name I took for the mission."

"Well, I obviously can't go by Dabi anymore," Touya shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I didn't think that far."

"Well, since you're an ex-villain, like an actual one, your hero name could just be the letter X," she suggested. "Anyways, you can decide that before you take a bigger mission to make an actual debut. My debut was with the Nomu incident."

"Sounds good," Touya glanced up just in time to see Keigo heading our way. "We really have to patrol with the dumbass chicken?"

"Apparently," y/n smiled at him, pushing her mask over her face. "Let's just get it over with. I don't want you arguing with him."

"As long as he doesn't say something stupid," Touya rolled his eyes, pulling his gloves on.

"Well, if it isn't our favorite villain duo," a sneering voice came from the opposite direction.

Y/n glanced behind them and saw some thirty year old man with white hair and black eyes, his arms crossed over his chest.

Touya looked a bit scared, as if he was going to say the wrong thing.

"Just leave it alone," y/n shrugged, whispering to him. "Trust me. People will warm up to you once your reputation's improved a bit."

"He referred to you as a villain too," Touya muttered as they walked towards Keigo's fluttering form. 

"Do you not remember the situation with my parents?" y/n asked listlessly. "And with the recent mission that I had to take, it hasn't really helped that side of my reputation."

A couple of girls squealed and came up to me, clinging to my arms.

"Crescent-sama!" one of them squeaked cheerfully. "It's so nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too," y/n let them all hug her as Touya cringed a bit away. "How has your night been?"

"Better now! You're so cool," her squeaky voice shouted in her ear as it slightly lengthened from the rest of the sun dipping past the horizon. "Woah! Your horns just grew in!"

"Yeah," y/n laughed a tiny bit, ruffling her hair as Keigo and Touya both stared at them, the other girls starting to talk to each other. "It's a part of my quirk. I'm nocturnal, so I don't usually patrol or anything during the day. My quirk starts working at sundown."

"Aww, you're so cool!" another one of the girls squealed, clutching her other arm. "Can we get a picture with you?!"

"Sure," y/n smiled widely at them, her fangs poking past her bottom lip. "X, can you take it for us?"

Touya flinched as she called him by his makeshift hero name, looking up. 

Y/n noticed that he was terrified because of the girls interacting with her. Maybe he thought they'd say something bad?

"Oh, I never noticed before," the third and final girl gasped as she saw Touya's face and white hair. "He's really handsome in person."

"Sure," Touya mumbled with a small pink blush dusted over his scarred cheeks. "Gimme your guys' phones and you can all have one."

Worth(Hawks x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora