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After y/n left the school, she went to her car and drove back home. That's where she and Endeavor agreed to meet. Technically, he just told her to be there, and that they'll head out after she puts her things away.

Keigo called her and said that he'll come over after she gets back with Endeavor, or if they meet during his patrol, he would just come with her. He ended the call with a quick "love you" before hanging up before y/n could respond.

Her face flushed a bright red and she was left staring at her lock screen, wondering what in the hell just happened.

He... loves her? As if, she scoffed internally, shoving the phone into her uniform's skirt pocket and unbuckling her seat belt. He probably said that on accident, which was why he hung up so quickly. 

After grabbing her bag, she headed out of the car and into the house, pulling Keigo's visors off of her face and putting them in her pocket with her phone. 

"Y/n!" Endeavor shouted, causing y/n to jump in fear before she steadied herself on the doorknob. "Put your things away so we can get this over with."

"Fine by me," y/n responded calmly, closing the door and walking towards the stairs. "How long are we patrolling today?"

"Just until the sun goes down," Endeavor sighed, frustration creeping into his voice. "I don't know why you insisted on patrolling during the day."

In reality, y/n asked him to patrol with her so she could break it to him as gently as possible that she was moving out, in a public space where he couldn't flip out on her. She told Shoto during lunch, and Fuyumi and Natsuo didn't really care either way, so he was the last person she needed to let know.

Plus, she saved up enough money to put a down payment on a house, and had contacted a seller that would let her move in day-of, instead of having to wait a little bit longer.

"It's nothing," she replied, walking upstairs and towards her room. "All of my hero costumes are damaged; should I just wear my UA uniform?"

"As long as you can fight in it," Endeavor grumbled. "Just hurry the hell up."

Y/n put her bags down next to her door, before walking out of her room and closing the door behind her. Before the door closed, she glanced at the photo sitting on her nightstand.

Something throbbed in her chest as she snapped her gaze away from it, walking away from her room. Y/n didn't want to think about it, she didn't want to think about Touya. Or rather, she hated the idea of thinking of him as he is now. She didn't want to think about him as Dabi.

"Are you ready to go?" Endeavor demanded, crossing his arms furiously as he glared at y/n descending the stairs.

"I am," y/n confirmed, reaching into her pocket for Keigo's visors. "Are we leaving now?"

"Don't wear those dumbass glasses," Endeavor snapped, as she was about to put them on. "You aren't even patrolling with Hawks, you look stupid with them on."

"They help me see," y/n admitted. "The sun hurts my eyes and makes it difficult to see anything during the day. That's why Ke-Hawks-senpai gave them to me in the first place."

"Are you talking back to me?" Endeavor demanded. "I told you not to wear them!"

"That's how a conversation works," y/n sighed, but she still put the visors back in her pocket. "Are we going, or not?"

"Don't talk to me that way," Endeavor snarled, but he started out the door anyways and started walking. 

Y/n held her tongue and followed him, forcing herself not to say anything in response. Of course, there were quite a few people walking around and shopping and whatever that noticed the two heroes.

Worth(Hawks x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ