Bloody Eyes

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"Faster!" y/n called, grinning widely at the teenage boy that she was training for the upcoming Sports Festival. "You couldn't have landed that even if the sun was still fully out!"

"I could've, you can't fight when the sun's out!" Shoto insisted, but there was a small smile on his face as he flipped, catching himself after y/n had punched him out of the air. "Still, it's no fair you're still stronger than me, y/n-nee."

"Perks of being older," y/n shrugged. "Again, try to get me. I have about half an hour left until I have to go patrolling with Endeavor, it's the last year of my work-study before I graduate."

"Are you leaving once you're done with high school?" Shoto asked, already knowing her answer.

He just didn't want to lose another sibling to time. Touya left years ago, and though neither of them brought him up, they knew that they missed him more than anyone.

Endeavor drove him out, because of his weak constitution, and he disappeared. They couldn't find a trace of him anywhere, and god did y/n look. She'd only known him for two years before he left, but he was, other than Shoto, the first person to show her compassion while living in this wretched home.

"I'll have to," y/n admitted. "Endeavor- your father, only wanted me because I can train you. He saw how strong my quirk was and wanted it to help you get stronger."

"I have gotten stronger because of you," Shoto insisted, pushing his sweaty red and white hair out of his face.

"Then prove it," y/n demanded, a grin spread across her face as her long fangs protruded past her lips, the last of the sun dipping over the horizon as her wings tore out of her back and horns pushed their way through her hair. "Try and win."

Shoto recognized her transformation and pouted a bit, knowing that her vampire form was even stronger than before now that there was no light on her.

Still, he had to try, right?

He sent a pillar of ice at her, as she flashed out of the way, her body moving faster than his eyes could follow, but he managed to block her, knowing that her entering move was a left cross punch aimed for his face, but she still kicked him and forced him to surrender, almost as strong as Allmight.

"I yield," he panted, his heterochromatic eyes dropping closed with exhaustion.

"Good. Go to bed, I'll see you during the tournament tomorrow," y/n grinned, showing her teeth again as she helped her adoptive brother off of the ground, patting him gently on the top of the head. "I'll have to leave before the end of it to get ready for my tournament and make sure that I have enough sunscreen on to not burn. Good work today, Shoto. You know that ice doesn't work on me very well, don't you?"

"I know," he confirmed, staring blankly at the ground as he spoke, a bit of anger in his voice. "But you know that I'm not going to use his quirk."

"I know that too," y/n shrugged. "See ya, don't forget to wash up before bed or your skin's going to break out."

"Says the person who looks like a corpse," Shoto joked. "Bye."

Y/n walked the other direction down the hall, towards her room, bumping into Natsuo.

"Sorry," she apologized, bowing to him.

"What for?" he asked, glaring at her a bit. "You're just perfect, aren't you? Now that the sun's gone down at least."

"We aren't going to do this right now," Fuyumi sighed, placing an arm on her brother's shoulder as y/n's face burned in embarrassment. "Sorry for the trouble, l/n."

"I've been your adoptive sister for 6 years, the least you could do is call me by my name," she mumbled in response, her bloody eyes trained on the floor as she stepped aside to let her pass. "I'm late for my work-study."

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