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Y/n's head throbbed as she became aware of voices around her. 

Forcing her eyes to open, they met with a very painfully familiar cerulean blue pair that were trying to see if she was awake yet.

"She's up," Dabi confirmed, standing upright and brushing himself off. "Good job not killing her, Toga. Is the camera's Livestream on?"

"It's on," a raspy voice replied from y/n's right. "The heroes are pissed, trying to trace the call."

Y/n's face contorted before she could stop it, hurt showing through her eyes. She felt bitter- she felt angry, and just for a moment, she almost started crying. She felt betrayed, and she couldn't do anything to stop it.

Dabi read her expression right before she erased it, cringing at her own mistake.

"It's on her phone; it's untraceable, not to mention connected to a news channel," Dabi grinned, crossing his arms over his chest as y/n realized what was going on. "It's a good thing you put the quirk-canceling cuffs on her. It would be dangerous to hold such a powerful hero without them."

"Say cheese, Crescent-chan!" Toga squealed, holding a familiar phone in her hand. "The heroes are gonna watch you die!"

"Shut up," y/n groaned. "You gave me a concussion; stop talking. I'll kill you without my quirk if I have to."

"That isn't possible," Dabi retorted. "You haven't eaten anything in at least two days; that's how long you've been out."

"Please, I haven't eaten anything since a week before that," y/n snorted, trying to keep up her brave facade. "I don't need to eat. It just makes it easier to go out in the sun. Why did you take me, of all heroes?"

"She's chattier than I expected," Kurogiri commented. "I've only seen her up close a few times; I must say, it's rather disappointing."

"She can kill you," Dabi stated, grinning broadly. "Can't you, y/n?"

"Don't call me by my civilian name," y/n spat, struggling against her restraints. "Let me go."

Five villains surrounded her: Dabi, Toga, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and a nomu in the corner of the room. She had no idea where she was, nor how they got her into the room, seeing as there weren't any doors. 

"Scared, y/n?" Dabi asked, kneeling in front of her with a sadistic smirk on his scarred face. "It's about to get a whole lot worse."

Y/n scowled at him for a moment before slamming her forehead into his and knocking him back.

"If you come near me again, I'll kill you," y/n snarled, her crimson eyes glowing as the sun went down. "I don't care if the heroes or all of society have to watch me tear you apart. You're not nearly as strong as your boss was, Tou-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Dabi, or rather Touya, shoved his scarred hand against her mouth, smothering her words as his other hand sparked with flames. His head was bruised from where her head collided with him, and he was pissed.

"I'll kill you, y/n," he started, his narrowed eyes sparking furiously. "If you ever call me that again, I will kill you."

Y/n's glare hardened; this wasn't the same boy that left years ago. He went and became a villain, and just like that, he lost any form of humanity that he had. She lost him, permanently.

She bit him.

The hand that was over her mouth spurted with blood as her unnaturally sharp canines sank into it, causing Dabi to yell in shock and pain.

"You fucking bitch!" he swore, tearing his hand out of her mouth and slapping her across the face with his free hand as Shigaraki looked ready for a fight. "That's fucking it! Toga, she's yours now!"

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