Mission Request

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Endeavor stalked into the building, his costume ablaze and his eyebrows set.

Everyone who was anywhere near him immediately backed away, sensing his aura of general danger. Y/n had embarrassed him yet again, telling one of the only heroes who could end his career about everything.

Endeavor had stopped, hadn't he? He hasn't hurt her in almost a year now, so why is it that she's still rebelling? Why won't she just forget everything that happened, and let Endeavor atone for what he's done? Why does she need this to go public?

At any rate, he wasn't going to let her stay in Japan any longer. After the most recent mission, where she had assisted in apprehending Dabi and had rescued Hawks from the fight, she managed to somehow become more popular, being mobbed in the streets every time she set her foot outside.

Endeavor hated hearing her name. 

Crescent this, Crescent that, she's so strong, she's so cool. 

He was sick of it. 

Every time he heard that stupid hero name of hers, especially with Hawks' name coming directly after, he wanted to punch something. Preferably someone.

The next Japanese Hero Billboard Ranking event isn't until a year from now, so Endeavor has time to cut her career short, at least where Japan was involved. 

He didn't want to get directly involved, seeing as she was always around the number two pro hero, especially now that both of them had managed to get injured and weren't on any missions for the time being.

That is, until Endeavor approached the Public Hero Safety Commissions office. He had been to this place many times, the familiar geometric windows and perfectly symmetrical desks lining the middle of the room as a man stood up to greet him.

"Endeavor, what a pleasure it is to see you," the man bowed politely, his eyes filled with a bit of fear and confusion.

Endeavor had, after all, come unannounced.

"I'm sure. I have a mission request to make."

"This is certainly a surprise," the man straightened up after Endeavor hadn't returned the bow, furrowing his eyebrows. "You usually get your mission requests just by patrolling and coming across something. Hawks is the hero that we generally assign to the more complicated, organized missions."

"It isn't for me," Endeavor growled at the sound of Hawks' name, the word sounding like chalk scraping against a board. "It's for my adoptive daughter."

"Who is...?" the man asked, trailing off with the question, the confusion never leaving his eyes.

"Crescent," the name burned Endeavor's mouth more than his flames could burn anyone. "Y/n L/n, the number five pro hero."

"She can get her own missions if she wishes, she isn't a part of our commissions office," the man instantly denied. "We aren't allowed to give her a mission, especially against her own will. Why do you think she wasn't invited to your and Hawks' mission?"

"You will do as I say, Hatsuru," Endeavor snarled, his flames growing in size as he took a threatening step forward. "Do not forget that I hold the number one hero's rank, and the authority that comes along with it."

"No. You shouldn't forget that you have to earn that authority," Hatsuru spoke stiffly, trying to hide his fear as he kept his back straight and eyes steady. "Fine. We will make the request, but there's no way that she's going to take it. And what mission is she supposed to go on anyhow? There aren't any local ones that fit her abilities."

"I didn't mean local," Endeavor sounded a bit pleased, although still rather threatening. "Give her that international mission, with the Avengers Initiative."

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