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"You need to move faster, Shoto," y/n encouraged him, after having pinned him again during their practice. "I know you don't want to, but it's a good idea to be able to fight against me."

"But it's 9:00 at night," the nine-year-old boy pouted, with a bruise on his cheek from his newly adoptive sister punching him. "The sun went down ages ago, you're more powerful than you are during the day."

"That's even more of a reason to fight back," y/n smiled, softly, helping him up. "I think that's enough for today."

"But my father's going to be angry at me," Shoto whispered. "I wasn't able to beat you."

"Come on, I'm 12 years old," y/n insisted. "And I've been training on my own longer than you have."

"I doubt that," Shoto shrugged. "I can't remember a time before my father decided that I'm his weapon against Allmight."

"I'll deal with the repercussions," y/n promised. "Besides, I have school in the morning. He can't do anything too badly, my teachers aren't stupid."

"I can't let you do that," Shoto insisted. "He's going to hurt you again!"

"I can deal with it," she grinned, showing him her fangs. "Go get some sleep, and make sure you ice that bruise."

Shoto hesitated a moment longer, but nodded quietly and said goodnight to y/n, and walked out of the training room to his room to go to bed.

"Where is my son, and why aren't you fighting him?" Endeavor's voice asked, causing y/n's breath to catch in her throat, feeling the fear and adrenaline flooding her veins.

"It's late, he's in fourth grade," y/n insisted, knowing that she was going to get hit for speaking back to him. "You know he has an important test tomorrow, I sent him off."

"I see. Was the brat able to beat you?" he asked, his flames on his face growing hotter and brighter, causing the vampire-quirk girl to flinch away from the light.

"Almost," y/n lied. "He got in a few good hits."

He hadn't gotten close, he was weak and tired, and most people fight better before night time, not when they're supposed to be going to sleep.

"That's not good enough, and you know it!" Endeavor shouted, punching y/n in the face and splitting her lip open on her fangs as he proceeded to beat her senseless. "Why the hell did I even adopt someone as useless as you are?! Act as you're supposed to, like my pawn!"

Y/n didn't respond as she took it silently, knowing that if she even cried out, he would go after Shoto again. And y/n, though new to the family, knew that she wanted to protect the child at all costs.

By the time he finished, she was bleeding badly and had bruises covering her body as Endeavor stalked away, angrily.

"That was a ballsy move there, y/n," Touya, a boy with red hair and piercings, some starts of scarring from his quirk forming on his body, commented as he saw y/n walking out of the room, bleeding. "Taking the hit for Shoto, it almost seems like you want to be his older sister."

"Shut up," y/n stated, coldly, spitting out blood and pressing her hand to her lips to try and stem the bleeding. "I didn't do it because I want to be his older sister. I did it because a kid like that shouldn't suffer."

"You're a kid too," he reminded her. "Trying to play the hero now, y/n? Wouldn't your quirk be better off as a villain?"

"I know what you're trying to do, and it's not going to work," y/n responded, quietly, starting to walk off to her room as Touya followed her.

"What are you talking about?" Touya asked, grabbing her by the bruised arm. "You know my father's going to beat the shit out of you, yet you let Shoto go to bed early. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing is," she insisted, pulling her arm harshly away from him. "I don't suggest you touch me, I'm not in full control of my quirk at night."

"Right, you're a vampire thing, aren't you?" he asked, his cool blue eyes skimming over her bruised face. "Why not fight back against my father? Is it because he decided to adopt you and take you away from that orphanage you came here from?"

"No," y/n responded, honestly. "The orphanage was better than here. If I fight back and get away from here, he's going to take it out on Shoto."

"Some hero he is," Touya snorted, ruffling her long, brown hair. "Go to bed, you little dork. Like you said earlier, there's school tomorrow, isn't there? You have your finals."

"How did you know that?" y/n asked, surprised, pulling his scarred hand out of her hair by the wrist, avoiding where his hand was being burned by his quirk.

"I'm not stupid, I heard you studying your flashcards earlier," Touya shrugged. "Go take some sleeping meds or some shit, I can lend you some if you don't have any. Your quirk makes you nocturnal, right?"

"It does," y/n confirmed, an eyebrow raised suspiciously at the boy in front of her. "What are you playing at? Are you going to poison me or something?"

"Trust me, vampire," he grinned, his piercings in his face tugging a bit. "If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be alive. Come with me, I'll grab you some."

Y/n paused for a moment, but let the older boy pull her towards his bedroom.

"Here you go," he said, tossing her a bottle after he was rummaging through one of his drawers for a bit. "Take one or two, don't take any more or you won't get up on time. I'm not driving you if you're late."

Y/n caught the bottle, hearing the pills rattling as it hit her palm.

"Thanks," she mumbled, prying the lid opening and grabbing two. "I'm guessing you have sleeping problems so I'll leave the bottle here. You need it more than I do."

Touya froze at her words, his face a bit pale.

"How'd you- know that?" he asked, raising a pierced eyebrow at her.

"Why else would you have sleeping medication?" she asked, skeptically, before dry-swallowing the pills and tossing the bottle back to him. "Thank you- and thanks for being nice to me."

"Of course," he shrugged. "See ya, brat."

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, to her own, feeling the medication slowly sinking in as she made her way through the halls, and fell onto her bed, not bothering to get dressed before she sunk into a deep sleep.

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