All For One

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"Let's go," Allmight stated, firmly, his face solemn and serious. "We cannot waste time. Crescent, can you activate your quirk yet?"

"Yes," y/n nodded in confirmation. "The sun went down about ten minutes ago."

"Good. Lead your team to the abandoned warehouse, I'll take the half that is going to the bar now with the police officers," Allmight decided, and y/n turned to look at her sidekicks.

"Now," y/n demanded, her voice firm and cool in the night air. "We already discussed this, what are you waiting for?"

The team split into two, half following y/n as she had discussed with them earlier. Allmight, Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, and a few other pros nodded and her, and she separated to work with Mount Lady, Best Jeanist, and the heroes that were all headed for the abandoned factory.

The group of heroes and sidekicks walked in near silence, y/n's costume rustling in the night, her cape billowing behind her. She wasn't sure, but she felt uneasy about the upcoming mission. Would they all make it out of here in one piece?

She could smell people moving, but most of the area had already been evacuated to avoid casualties and to keep the civilians out of the fight. So why are there still people here? And why do they smell familiar?

Y/n took a deep breath before turning to Best Jeanist.

"Best Jeanist?" she asked, quietly, the pro hero turning to glance at her.

"Crescent, correct?"

"Yes. I was wondering about this mission," she admitted. "The boy that we're all trying to rescue, he was your intern, correct?"

"Yes, I was attempting to reform him," Jeanist admitted. "I don't think my attempts did very much to help, but I did show him another side of hero work than just fighting. Being number three, it was inevitable that he would request to work with me."

"That makes sense, I've seen Bakugo in action," y/n agreed. "He prefers to fight than deal with anything else, and he beat my younger brother in a fight and was pissed that Shoto had held back in the end. How do we know- that his aggression won't get the best of him?"

"It is as Eraserhead said earlier, we can't do anything other than having faith that he's held on this long," Jeanist sighed. "His goal is to be the number one hero, and besides his anger and obvious issues, he has determination. His will should outlast those villains at any rate, although the villains have grown stronger ever since the Stain incident."

"Right, when Iida was being stupid and challenged the vigilante," y/n remembered. "It's a miracle that they made it out alive, much less almost unscathed, even though I had to get Midoriya down before the nomu took him."

"It was good timing on your part too, that was a smart choice to have your debut."

"It wasn't planned, I was supposed to be patrolling the other city with Hawks," y/n admitted, quietly, her ears tinged a bit pink. "I ran off when I noticed that all the police were headed for Hosu city even though I thought there was a chance that Endeavor would be angry at me."

"Was Hawks' agency the hero agency you had an internship with?" Mount Lady cut in, curiously. "It's been noticed all over the media that you two spend an awful lot of time together and seem very comfortable with each other."

"No, I didn't have an internship in general. Endeavor's had me under his work-study since I started high school, which was a lot more work in general than any internship that I would've participated in," y/n explained, turning to the female pro and falling into step with her. 

"Then why are you around Hawks all the time?" Mount Lady asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you two dating like most people think that you are?"

"Wait- what? People don't think that we're together," y/n denied, glad that her face was covered by the mask on her face. "And we're not, he just likes to annoy Endeavor and me."

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