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"Get up!" a voice shouted, loudly, startling y/n out of bed as her eyes flashed open, her fangs extending.

Shoto flinched back, expecting his sister's reaction to being awoken as her vampire quirk was activated, hence why she needed black-out curtains.

If she activated her quirk during the day and a ray of sunshine touched her, she would burn instantly.

"Sorry for scaring you," Shoto murmured, seeing her realize what was going on as her quirk deactivated and she stood up straight. "Father wants you to go patrolling with him again."

"I thought I was training you?" y/n asked, her voice scratchy and full of sleep.

"He changed his mind, he wants people to see you," Shoto explained, brushing some of his bedhead hair out of his face. "It's 11, so you shouldn't use your quirk at all and you're going to need to put sunscreen on, but he wants to introduce you as his sidekick."

"Wait a minute, what?!" y/n asked, regaining her senses as her brows furrowed together. "But- even if I patrol during the day-"

"You can beat me in a hand-against-quirk fight during the day," Shoto reminded her, gently. "You'll do fine."

Y/n groaned in frustration, shooing her younger brother out of her room.

"Fine, let him know I'll be down in three minutes, tops," she sighed, annoyed.

"I will. Also, Hawks is going to be with you two."

"It just keeps getting better, doesn't it?" y/n asked. "Doesn't he have an intern?"

"The intern's coming too," Shoto shrugged. "His name is Tokoyami, but I think his hero name is Tsukuyomi."

"I'll keep that in mind," y/n smiled, tightly.

Her bruises finally finished healing as she slept, only for about three hours as usual. Oh well.

Shoto walked out of the room and y/n looked down at her costume, a bit surprised.

Why wasn't she wearing her boots or cape? Not to mention why did she wake up with a blanket on her?

It wasn't Hawks that did that, because she couldn't smell him on the blanket she was using, but she could smell a familiar, cold scent.

Fuyumi? But she's never willingly been near y/n, much less inside of her room. Fuyumi didn't consider y/n family, clinging on to the thought that their family was always going to be Rei, Endeavor, Natsuo, her, and Touya, wherever he was.

Y/n brushed it off and stripped out of her torn costume, undoing her utility belt that her mask was clipped onto and slipping the tight material off, pushing her hands out of her loose, flowing sleeves, and stepping out of the costume.

After rummaging through her closet, she pulled on an identical one, that wasn't damaged, hooking everything in place and putting her boots and cape on, the high collar keeping her hair from falling down her back as it spilled over her shoulders.

Placing her mask over her face after brushing her teeth and washing it, she stepped out of her room and directly into someone.

"Sorry," she apologized, assuming it was Natsuo or someone.

"It's alright, my little falcon," Hawks grinned as her face went red hearing his voice, underneath her mask. "Endeavor sent me to see what was taking so long."

"I sincerely doubt that," y/n rolled her eyes, pushing him away from her. "Personal space?"

"I wonder why," Hawks shrugged, but he took a step back and offered y/n his gloved hand. "Ready to go patrolling?"

Worth(Hawks x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang