Crescent Hero Agency

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The next few months flew by for y/n, as Endeavor finished setting up her hero agency and she got her license as a pro hero. Technically, she's a genuine pro now, but she's staying his sidekick until she graduates. 

Shoto and Fuyumi have separately tried to apologize for what they had said, who they brought up that night, but y/n ignored both of them, forcing herself to focus on getting better as a pro. She solved a few cases on her own, but after Bakugo got kidnapped during the training camp, she was back to working with Allmight and Endeavor.

"So, you all let this hero-in-training get kidnapped?" a reporter asked, as y/n sat down at the desk next to Aizawa and Nezu. 

"Yes," y/n confirmed, following the script she memorized beforehand. "Although I was not directly involved with the kidnapping event, due to being away on a mission with Hawks, I was called in with a few other younger heroes and sidekicks to try and track him down."

"Is it true that you still attend UA high school as a student?" the reporter asked. "How is it that someone as new as you has gotten involved in this catastrophe?"

"I do," y/n confirmed, quietly glancing at her hands through her mask. "I asked them if I would be allowed to join in the search. You see, I was offered a position as a quirk-trainer because I've personally trained under Endeavor for many years, but I denied it because I already was on a few minor cases involving some Nomus a few cities away. I feel at fault for this happening, and I swear that we're doing all we can for the student that was taken."

The reporter looked unconvinced but still turned to Aizawa and Nezu, leaving y/n awkwardly sitting beside them with her bangs parted to the side and the left side pinned up, her long brown hair in a bun.

She was told to dress formally, so she was also wearing a pencil skirt and a white button-down shirt, with a black blazer on top instead of the rest of her hero costume. She only had her mask on so people would recognize her as Crescent.

"How did I do?" she asked Aizawa after the cameras were put away.

"You put on a good show," Aizawa promised. "I think looking at your hands was a good idea, even if it wasn't a part of the script. Also, you look like an adult, although it's public knowledge you aren't. Good job with that too."

"Thank you, Aizawa-sensei," y/n bowed to him, before turning to Nezu. "Nezu-sensei, when are we moving out?"

"We're going to attack at dusk," Nezu explained. "And that allows you to use your quirk as you wish. Congratulations on being the youngest hero UA has produced in years."

"Thank you," y/n responded, quietly. "I just- it's scary knowing that there are people out there who are targeting me because I'm a new hero, but it's scarier knowing there are people out there who already admire me as a hero."

"I understand how you feel," Nezu sighed, patting y/n on her arm consolingly. "You've also been seen a lot around Endeavor, that's bound to start some risky rumors."

"Ew, he's my adoptive father," y/n cringed as she realized what Nezu was implying. 

"Well, you have been rising through the ranks quickly," Nezu shrugged. "They could also assume that you like Hawks as more than a friend, he's been spotted carrying you and hugging you rather often. You two act like you're dating."

A red blush covered y/n's pointed ears as she spluttered indignantly, embarrassed.

"Oh, so you do like him?" Nezu asked, interested. 

"No-" y/n managed, her voice octaves higher than normal, and her face's color matching her eyes. "I- meant no."

She managed to fix her voice, but it was too late because both Nezu and Aizawa noticed her blunder.

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