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Keigo left with Mirko, Endeavor, and all of their sidekicks and interns. There was a surprising number of interns from 1A this year, but that wasn't really much of his business. His face was tinged a bit red as Mirko nudged him in the arm.

"What?" he asked, his voice nonchalant and cool as he tugged his jacket back on from where he had it tied around his waist.

"You know exactly what," Mirko snorted, an amused smirk on her face as they all kept walking, Keigo's wings folded behind him. "How was it?"

"I know you told her to," Keigo rolled his eyes, flicking her shoulder as he took a step away. "She's shy, Rumi. Y/n isn't exactly the type of girl to be blunt enough to ask someone out, but you basically threatened her into it."

"So you were awake?" Mirko asked, a bit surprised. "I thought you would've bitched about me coming into the room while you were sleeping if I woke you up."

"I didn't care all that much about that," Keigo sighed. "I woke up when you opened the door; y/n doesn't know that I'm a light sleeper."

"Whatever. She already wanted to kiss you, dumbass. It's not her fault that you're stupid enough to think that she doesn't want you after all this time. Literally all of Japan knows that you two have a thing for each other."

"I-" Keigo started, before cutting himself off. "Whatever. It was nice, alright? Leave me alone about it. Didn't you hate her just a couple of months ago?"

"A little bit," Mirko shrugged, unashamed. "She's not so bad now. Also, is she still posing as Endeavor's sidekick-"

"No," Endeavor cut her off, cutting into the conversation with a cold glare, causing both younger heroes to glance over at him, raising their eyebrows. "She isn't affiliated with my agency."

"Seeing as you were her work study and she was your sidekick, I don't think it works like that," Keigo rolled his eyes subtly, but Endeavor didn't notice because Keigo had his visors on. "People are going to affiliate you and her for a while longer. Also, you were here earlier, weren't you? We saw some of your sidekicks as we came inside. Why didn't you come down and say hi to her?"

"Why should I have?" Endeavor grumbled, glaring at the ground as he crossed his arms. "It's not as if she means anything to me. Besides, how was I supposed to know that she was even here in the first place? It's not as if she's on this mission."

"Our training today was an agency-wide event," Keigo shrugged, his voice just a tad bit colder than usual. "Both of our agencies knew it was going to happen. And I think you owe it to her."

"What do you mean by that, dumbass chicken?" 

"I think you know exactly what I mean," Keigo struggled to keep his tranquil facade up as Mirko glanced over, hearing the rage in his voice. "You do realize that I was helping her move out when you two were arguing, don't you?"

Endeavor's face drained of color, a couple of the sidekicks starting to notice.

"Oh look, he remembers," Keigo smiled cheerfully. "I do expect you to apologize to her eventually, whether she wants you to or not. You do not get to treat her that way and expect me to continue standing by."

"How long have you-"

"Since you forced her to patrol with me, alone, the first time," Keigo kept his eyes forward as they narrowed against his will, the color standing out eerily behind his visors and eyeliner. 

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Endeavor demanded, his flames all over his costume expanding a little bit with his rage. "She probably lied to you-"

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