Chapter 44: That Way (Christians POV)

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I stared at the ceiling for quite a bit of some time, as I felt like I could not sleep at all tonight, once again. This time it was not due to the fact that I had been having the same thoughts that I had been having practically my entire life, or rather, my life before the world had changed, and it had ended for me.
I closed my eyes, as I was so tired, and I knew that I wanted to sleep, but I also knew at the same time too, that I could not sleep until the kid had fallen to sleep. It was not due to the fact that I might think that he would go out side if I was asleep, which would be quite a bit of an idiotic move by him.
It was more just the fact that I cared about the kid. He was just about the only thing that I had left with me any more. Before I had begun to train the kid, my soul felt quite a bit empty and bleak if I was not going to lie to my self. I had nearly chose not to train him, but some how Angela had changed my mind.
I knew that the kid was not a popular kid around the community, so there was not all too many people that would want to train him, as she had told me. I felt a bit bad for that, but the real reason that she had made my mind, was the fact that she had brought up my best friend, and Bens step father.
I did in fact see a lot from him, that I saw from my friend, even if he was a lot more on the quiet side, very much unlike my friend had been. I was not sure if it was a good or a bad thing, as I was often annoyed when my friend did not want to shut his mouth.
At the same time too, I wanted the kid to speak up more, as he was a very smart kid. He might not be like his brother, but I had noticed that he had in fact learned a lot faster than most others had, even though we were still together, I just wanted to make sure that he was going to be okay.
He was nearing the age of 15, and it was time for us to split apart, like it or not. We needed to be heading off any ways, as our community had a lot less resources than it had once had, and we needed to set ourselves up to be in a good position. I squinted my eyes as I knew that the other community, that had attacked us before, was coming back soon...
In just a few more months at that, as Shannon had told me, and every one else not too long ago. I had told her to tell every one the real truth of the deal that she had made with them, but she had decided not to. A lot of people had threatened to leave, but even they knew that it was a terrible idea, and we were still safer in here.
I sighed a bit to my self, as I then opened my eyes at the exact same time too, as I noticed that I had not heard Ben rolling around in his bed, much like I had heard him doing not too long ago. I sighed a bit to my self, as I then turned my head away, from the ceiling finally, and back over to Ben.
I stared at him for quite a bit of some time, perhaps several minutes on end, just to make sure that he did not roll around in his bed, as I wanted to make sure that he was asleep, before I finally managed to pass my self out. As I kept my eyes squinted on him for a bit longer, I then gave up, as it seemed like he had in fact finally managed to fall in to some sort of sleep.
I nodded to my self, as I then turned my head away from him, and over to the front of the door way that we were at right now. I had it locked and all, but I still could not help but to always be a little bit worried that some one might come in and kill the both of us in the middle of the night, as if they could see through the walls.
I let out a bit of a heavy sigh to my self, as I knew that we were safe for the night in here, and that things were going to be okay, even if the area that we were in was quite a bit nasty, and grown with all sorts of different types of nasty shit. We also did not have a bed to sleep in, such as we usually got to most nights.
We just had a blanket on the bottom, and the top of us. One to some what relax the floor that we were sleeping on just a bit, and the other to keep ourselves warm during the night, as it was in fact quite a bit cold out side at this current moment in time. I squeezed my self in to the blanket a bit, at those thoughts, as I felt how cold it was in the room.
I closed my eyes at the same time too, as I knew that it was probably around mid night right now, and I needed to get some sleep. I began to feel just how tired I was at this very moment, as I did in fact remember that I had not got much sleep last night. After I cleared my mind from all of the thoughts that it had seemed that I had been stuck on, it did not take all that long for me to fall to sleep after that.

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