Chapter 17: Love, Hope, Freedom

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Bruce POV

I clutched Elora tightly in my arms as I ran. Trying to push myself forward as fast as I could to get away from these monsters. I don't think Clark and Diana could hold them all off since some of them were close behind me. There was a burning ache in my chest, it only grew as I let out small pants just to get some air.

I felt warmth, but it wasn't coming from me, it was coming from Elora. I glanced down at her, seeing her cheeks tinted pink. I let out a relieved sigh, my lips pulling up into a grin. "You're fighting."

I averted my attention ahead of me, immediately halting in my steps. A dead end, I wouldn't be able to make that jump. The water gap is too deep.

"Hand her over now."

I turned around, does this girl never give up? Aurora stood in front of me, alone. But the aura around her was black and her eyes were glowing red.

"No, you'll have to get through me to get to her." I stood my ground, I don't have a choice... Do I?

"You're making this too easy for me, Bruce Wayne. I know something about you that no one does." she chuckled, I frowned in confusion taking a step back as she stepped forward.

"Want me to say it? Want me to say what you truly feel Bruce?" she taunted, her voice growing into sinister echos.

"You won't fool me Aurora, you don't know anything about me." I said, bracing myself for what I'm about to do.

"You love her too." I froze, my plan slowly disintegrates, my heart picking up it's pace. I look at Elora, the perfection in her features was becoming alluring.

"You were going to tell her, you just didn't expect her to fall for Clark. But you del in love with her the moment you met her. I have a talent Bruce, I can see into your mind. Your memories. They all light up at the thought of her." she says, as much as it stabs me in the chest, it's true.

"Remember when you first showed her the Christmas carnival in New York? The Rockefeller Centre Christmas Tree?" she asked, she touched my forehead and I gasped. Dropping to my knees with Elora still in my arms.

5 years ago

Elora was only  dressed in a black pants and a red blouse with boots. I warned her that it would be cold, but she's so stubborn. It's remarkable how her eyes lights up everytime she sees something new.

The crowd was small, the snow falling gracefully. Some landing in her raven hair, her lips were tinted a darker shade of pink. Her skin glowed as the Christmas lights elegantly shone on us.
I chuckled as she began shivering, she glared my way, making her more beautiful.

"What are you laughing at?" she snapped, I shook my head and shrugged off my coat. Luckily I was wearing warm clothes. I threw it over her shoulders and she immediately clutched onto it for warmth.

"Ready?" I asked, she frowned at me, tilting her head in confusion.

"Ready for what?" she asked, I smiled and covered her eyes, "Hey, w-what are you doing?" she asked, I turned and let us face the large Christmas tree. Everyone was here to see the lights go on. Now it was her turn.

"My mother always told me to make a wish when you see the first light of Christmas. And it will come true." I whispered in her ear.

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