Chapter 10-2: You Are Not Alone

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Clark POV

I noticed Elora went silent for a few moments until all I could hear was her soft snores. I know it's late at night now, the rain didn't stop. It's still a bad storm.

I put Elora into a laying position close to the fire and inspected her. Perhaps I judged too soon. I haven't thought about Lois because I keep thinking about Elora. I spoke to Anthony and Hunter. They told me why I feel this way. It's because every elemental has a soul mate, it could be anyone. For both Adiya and Amora it was humans. But for Elora... It's me...

But I can't accept her. I don't even know if it's true and she should never find out about this at all. But I don't know, she's... Just too perfect. She deserves better than me.

"Clark?" her soft melodic voice called out, snapping me out of my trance.

I looked at her as she looked outside. "It's still pouring out there." she says, I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously." I chuckled, she glares at me before sitting up and stretching her arms. There was a twig in her head and I struggled to contain the surge to laugh .

"Elora your uh... Your..." I pointed to her head and she frowned at me in confusion before reaching to the side of her head , immediately talking the twig out while mumbling under her breath. "Way to look like a reindeer." I chuckled ,when she shot me an ice cold glare I diverted my gaze from her .

"Uh, thanks? But How long was I out?" she asked, I hesitantly looked her way.

"About an hour or more perhaps." I answered. She blushed and looked down, letting her hair frame her round face like a curtain. Precious.

"Now seems like a good time to talk. As you must have already known by now I have super hearing." I said. She raised an eyebrow at me in suspicion.

"Uhm and this should interest me how exactly?" she asked, or should I say she snapped. Yep there's the attitude.

"I heard what you said to your sisters. About your...youngest sister." I said, her jaw clenched as anger flashed across her face.

"I don't see how that involves you Kent." she hissed and looked at the fire.

"Well it might if I offered to help you. I could fight with you." I said, hoping she'd accept my offer.

She let out a dry chuckle, "You? Fight with me? Sorry to burst your bubble Clark but it won't come to a fight. And you wouldn't know what to do if a demon attacked you."

Why is she so difficult? Offer to help she says no. Ask questions she stays silent. Make remarks and she bites your head off.

"You know, I think I understand you now."

She raised her eyebrows and smirked, "Oh really? Pray tell, I would like to hear this." she folded her bellow her... Chest with a chuckle.

"You're a closed off person. You think you can do things by yourself but you can't. You act like a tough person on the outside but on the inside you're all soft and passionate. You think you're so strong but you're not. You hurt the people who cares about you and expect them to just accept it. Maybe that's why your kingdom despises you because you have no heart. Because deep down you're just weak! " I rambled out, bursting with anger. Instantly regretting it seeing the tears pool in her eyes.

"Well guess what Kent, are just a man with no sense. You say I'm the one with no heart but did you take a look in the mirror? You have no heart, you let your stupid heartbreak hold you back and you let innocent people die. They needed your help, they cried for their hero but he never showed up. And guess what, Lois never loved you, she just used you, you were just a story to her. She never thought of you Clark, she thought of herself. Meanwhile your mother, your friends were the ones who really loved you. And you shut them out. So I'm sorry Clark, but I'm not a monster like you. " she spat with venom. I took a step back feeling a pang of guilt in my chest. Her eyes were glowing, somehow her veins were glowing as well, golden amber like her eyes.

"Then I guess we're both screwed up." I said, ignoring that pain in my chest.

"Screwed up means you stop trying to fix yourself. And that's the difference between us. I'm still trying to fix myself, make no attempt to even put a real smile on your face." she said, poking my chest with each word. We kept glaring at each other.

She broke her gaze from me and looked outside."The rain stopped, let's go." she muttered and flicked her hand, making the fire disappear.

We walked back in silence. Maybe I should say sorry, I don't know what she's been through. I mean I started all of this. I should end it. Should I?

We made it back to the house and she stormed away from me and into the house. I followed her quickly and entered the kitchen. Her sisters as well as Anthony and Hunter looked at me with amusement.

"Did you make her mad?" Anthony asked with a stupid grin. Amora shushed him and slapped the back of his head.

"Come sit Kal El, we must speak." Adiya says, gesturing to the seat next to Hunter at the kitchen counter. I hesitantly sat down and looked at them suspiciously.

"Anthony and Hunter told us everything you have observed in the little time you spent with our sister." Amora says with a gleam on her face.

"And you have no idea how happy it makes us. So we thought we'd give you a piece of advice." She continued, they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Elora has high walls, she never let anyone in... Not even us. But we know she's hurt on the inside, we hear her cries everytime she wakes up from a nightmare." Adiya says.

"What we're trying to say is, don't break her more than she already is. Help her, fix her, just as she is trying to help fix you. Get to know her, trust me, you'll instantly love the real her."

They all got up and went upstairs to their rooms. Leaving me alone, what should I do?

The real her?

Hey guys, I decided to make two parts for chapter ten because... Why not. I just want to know what are you're thoughts? Should they be together? Or should they remain 'hating' each other? What do you think of Aurora, the youngest sister of the Cohen family?

Also this book will contain both book one and book two. YES THERE ARE TWO BOOKS AND I'M EXTREMELY EXCITED 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

But we need to get through this adventure first....

Love you all

Enjoy the book 😘😘😘😘

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