Chapter 5: Where's My Pizza?

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"So... He's here?"

"Yes Bruce, his in your city. I'm on my way there now.." I answered Bruce as a cool breeze blew past me making me shiver.

I was on a boat, heading to Gotham, city of the Bat.

"I feel like there's a but in your sentence." he stated, I sighed, I hate him for knowing me all too well.

"Well Bruce what do you want me to say? How do I do all this? We don't know what state Clark is in."

I heard him sigh on the other side, "Just try Elora, the only time you fail is when you stop trying. And you are just getting started."

I bit my lip, my palms were sweaty with anticipation. My heart was practically leaping out of my chest. Anxiety washed over me, I'm nervous, nervous to see him. Why? I barely know him.

" I'll talk to you soon Bruce, bye. " I said and hung up, taking in the scenery of the dark city. I always hated darkness, it reminds me of that dark pit. The centre of my torture. Illusions take over your mind in darkness making you see your worst fear lurking in the shadows. The demons you fear crawls up and haunts you.

As a child I remembered fearing the dark.

Flashback :

Adiya and Amora were at a sleepover at aunt Delora's house. I wanted to go with but daddy said I was still too small. I am five years old, I'm a big girl.

"Time for bed." mommy said, she picked me up and tucked me into bed.

"Are you sure you're okay with sleeping here alone? It gets quite dark you know." she asked, brushing her hand over my forehead.

I beamed, "I'm a strong warrior like daddy, I'll fight off any monster that dares to give me nightmares." I said proudly. She chuckled and pecked my forehead.

"Goodnight then my little warrior." she says and blows out all the candles in the room. I watch her exit my room, giving me one glance before going out. I hummed the lullaby she always sang for us and looked around, trying to adjust to the darkness. That is until I heard the howling wind outside.

I saw a scrawny hand figure at the window and whimpered hiding the bottom half of my face with my blanket. 'It's just a tree branch.' I thought.

Then I heard a creak from under the bed and jumped. I hugged my knees to my chest and rocked myself back and forth. The door slowly creaked open and I gasped. As it slammed closed I screamed and ran out the room and patterned down to mommy and daddy's room.

I pushed their door open, sighing in relief seeing them both awake. Mommy was knitting and daddy was reading. But they stopped and looked at me in concern.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" mommy asked, getting out of bed and scooped me up in her arms.

"M-monsters i-in my room mommy." I whimpered and hid my face in her neck. She chuckled.

"Well princess, I thought you were gonna fight them off." daddy chuckled.

"But, but I'm too small to fight such big monsters daddy. You go fight them." I pouted. He smiled and took me out of mommy's arms.

"Here sweetheart." I turned and looked at mommy, she held out a necklace to me with a glimmering diamond rose crescent.

"As long as you wear this, you will always be safe." she said putting it on me.

I smiled brightly, holding the crescent in the palm of my hand. "Thank you mommy." I said softly drifting off to sleep in daddy's arms.

"You're welcome sweetie."

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