Chapter 19: New Ties

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Bruce POV

I stood on the porch, a bottle of whiskey in my hand, watching the scenery in front of me. The edge of the cliff was a distant away, but you could see the deep blue sea. The same colour of her eyes, it was her eyes that intrigued me the most when I first me her. I chuckled at the memory when she first stepped into my house.

She thought the toaster was a bomb. She couldn't believe a simple screen could display moving images. She sat on the matted floor, crossed legged staring intently at the screen.

It was her simple traits that made her so attractive. "Bruce." I turned my head, a little disappointment filled me seeing Diana. Her wounds were healed quickly, that deep frown in her face remained prominent.

"Sleep well?" I asked her, moving the bottle to my lips before taking a gulp. Diana sighed and took the bottle from my hands.

"It's not even midday yet and you're already drinking." she states and puts the bottle down on the small round table on the porch. I lean back against the wooden rail and stare at her in question.

"Bad habits are hard to resist." I confess, avoiding her gaze.

"It's about her, isn't it?" Diana asked, folding her arms over her chest while leaning against the pillar. I have her a questioning look.

"Don't fool yourself Bruce. You have feelings for Elora and it's as clear as day now." she explained, I began feeling irritated not at Diana but at myself. These emotions I'm feeling is overpowering and my jealousy towards Clark and her relationship is evident enough. I didn't need my emotions towards her to overpower and prolong any further.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lies.

She clicked her tongue and sent me a glare, "Bruce don't do this to yourself."

I threw my hands up frustration, "Do what exactly, Diana?"

"Don't ignore your emotions! They will only get stronger and pull you in deeper." she scolds, fuck she was right, I hate to admit it but she was.

I sighed, running a hand over my face, what am I supposed to do now? She's happy with Clark, they're happy together and I can't ruin that for them. They've both been through so much, they deserve each other.

"When did you realize that you... Love her?" Diana asked, gulping at the last part of her question.

"We were at the sea, a year after I found her. I took her to Hawaii for the first time." I smiled at the memory, "You should've seen the look on her face Diana, it was like everything was so mystical to her. She was... She is perfect, I knew for a while before that but my feelings grew more. I was going to tell her in Hawaii but she was too fascinated by everything around her, I didn't want to ruin it. " I said softly, I stared into thin air, remembering the white dress she wore that flowed to her knees. The flowers in her hair made her look like a Greek goddess. Filled with innocence, her laughter was a melody and the way she would scrunch up her nose whenever she couldn't understand things was adorable.

"Hey guys," I snapped my head up and froze, there she was, dressed in a black jumpsuit with her hair tied up, her sharp eyes focused more on the scenery around us.

Diana shot me a look before looking at Elora, "Hi, how are you feeling?" she asked her.

Elora smiled, "I should be asking the both of you that." her shoulders slumped and a frown formed on her face, "I just want to say I'm sorry I roped you both into all of this. You both were hurt because of me."

"You don't need to apologize, we understand." Diana said for both of us, I wanted to speak but I was lost for words. One could clearly see she gained more strength than what she had before. Elora smiled softly, I noticed something on her neck, a red bruise on her neck, is that a love bite?

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