Chapter 10: And You Are Not Alone

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I jumped, both of them paced up and down the room. Muttering and cursing before Adiya froze and looked at me.

"Mom and dad survived?"

"Yep." I answered, now where did I put that whiskey?

I got up and looked around the room.

"They had another baby?"

"Yepo, oh it ain't there." I said and closed the cabinets. I kept searching for my comfort drink as these fools kept asking questions.

"Who just so happens to be our little sister?"

"Exactramonto, aw it ain't here either." I slammed the drawers shut and and put my hands on my hips.

"She's evil?"

"Well that is the point of the story now isn't it." I said sarcastically and jumped in joy heading over to my bed. I looked under and saw a box. Aha! And they say I'm  smart when I'm drunk.

I took the box out and opened it only to view disappointment. A damn stupid book was in here."Elora!"

I snapped my head to them and shrugged my shoulders, "What? Mamma needs her booze." I said innocently and threw the box in the corner of the room before getting up.

"Is that who was in your house yesterday?"

I looked at Amora and nodded, "Yeah, she can change her appearance as well. You see when the sleeping spell didn't work on her. The villagers had to turn to alternative ways and called upon neighboring villagers to help seek a solution. So using the power of earth and water, they trapped her in an underwater grave and created a cave around her. Some scientists or researchers must've found her. And brought her back. " I explained,"In the process it not only awakened her, but her army of demons as well."

"So war is coming to us?" Adiya thought out loud.

"The war is already here, either we prepare for it or..."

"Or what?" they asked in unison.

"We head back to the people of Orion. This generation will know us, they'll accept you two. But they still see me as a threat." sadly it was the truth, that people will never accept me.


I raised my hand and stopped them from giving me sympathies. I didn't need it nor did I want it. I gave them a sad smile and walked out my room. My tummy demands food and I simply cannot ignore it.

I stepped into the kitchen and looked around. Lighting up when I saw my all time favorite snack.... OREOS!!!!!

I snatched the box and began nibbling on the delicious treat. Seriously do they make this with love? It just tastes so good. I moaned while chewing it and closed my eyes. What? This is how I eat it so don't judge.

I jumped as someone cleared their throat behind me. I slowly turned around and saw Clark smirking at me. My cheeks burned up and I put the oreos down on the counter.

"Do I need to give you and your newfound lover some space?" he asked and burst out with laughter. I frowned with a pout and huffed.

"Hey, don't laugh, I was craving it okay?" I said, which only made him laugh more. I growled and picked up a oreo before throwing it at his head. He stopped laughing and glared at me. I couldn't tell if it was playful or not but I know that it is scary and I am outta here. I dashed for the backdoor, I heard him laughing behind me. Goodnes gracious, that's one evil laugh.

I ran straight into the woods while panting, damn. I stopped and bent over, putting my hands on my knees. I felt a shiver down my spine as a icy cool breeze drifted past me. I stood up straight and look around, he'll never find me here. This is a small open field in between the woods. No one comes here except me.

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