Part Two : Chapter 5

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They were out of their suits, sitting in the waiting room impatiently. Diana rubbed her forehead in frustration and tiredness. Both Bruce and Alfred were in the hospital, Alfred just had a mild concussion and was being kept for observations. But Bruce, he was in a bad shape. Clark tried to refuse it, but he knew it was his fault.

He's changed, his no longer that kind hearted person he once was since he came back from the dead. His emotions were jumbled up like his thoughts. Haunting thoughts with not a single ray of positivity. Then again Elora was the only one that could bring in those happy emotions to him. But she belongs to Bruce.

To Clark, seeing the two of them together is like seeing something dynamic. They were perfect for each other, throughout his thoughts he tried to ignore the fact that Diana was glaring daggers at him. He could practically feel a hole burning in his head as she stared at him.

"Victor, did you manage to scan the security systems?" Arthur asked, breaking the not so blessed silence that loomed in the room.

Víctor shook his head in guilt, "No, it was all completely wiped." he answered, letting that last string of hope fall into depths of despair.


Clark and Diana rolled their eyes in annoyance, Clark feeling more disgust than annoyance. The red haired woman ran up to Clark and wrapped her arms around him. Clark held in a breath as she had overdone her perfume and it burned his nostrils.

"I'm so glad you're okay." she said while putting on a pretense act of sorrow. She turned towards the others and glared. "You all should be ashamed for attacking Clark like that. Have you no humanity?" she asked, they all looked at her in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, we should be ashamed?" Diana asked and stood up. Going up against Lois to show her strength and dominance. Lois visibly cowered but held her ground.

"Firstly, Lois, you should be disgusted of yourself. You ruined a perfect relationship all for your selfish needs and let's face it, you would be nothing without Clark." Diana hissed, glaring down at Lois and watched her chuckle.

"Oh really? Well last time I checked it was all of you that needed Clark. Aren't you the ones that brought him back to save the world? So if anything, I'm just supporting Clark and motivating him. I'm his anchor." Lois bragged, Clark snapped his head up at her words, he knew Lois could never be an anchor to him. It would always be Elora. But she wasn't his to claim.

" At least we didn't destroy Clark's happiness. At least we weren't cruel enough to break not only one but two people. You knew what Clark and Elora had was true and you were jealous of it. So jealous that you literally tore them apart in a matter of seconds. And Clark was so stupid to believe you, " Diana looked at Clark with tears in her eyes remembering all the times she heard Elora cry," And Elora became weak, until the point where she broke completely realizing you did not trust her even though she trusted you the most. You always said Lois was your world. But to her Clark, you were her universe." Diana said, speaking directly to Clark. The rest of the team felt Diana's pain, she gave Lois one more glare before walking off to cool down her temper.

Clark's heart shattered, Elora wasn't the only one that was suffering. He was too, he just didn't want the world to know.


Elora couldn't move a muscle, her limbs felt numb and she could feel her baby becoming restless.

Led Luther had his scientist analyze her every hour. She lost count of how many hours she was here. She wondered where her friends was, if they were on their way to save her. She worried about Alfred and whether he was okay. How long would she be here? Would her baby be safe?

"You know," she watched Lex reach over and tap his fingers on her protruding belly, "There's a solution to saving you throughout gestation." he suggested, putting his palm on her belly. She cringed and longed to just punch him in the face.

"On Krypton, the babies were surrounded by kryptonite to reduce their strength until they are born and reach a certain age. An age where they can understand their powers and have a better sense of control." he explained, Elora's gaze snapped to the tube filled green liquid that was injected into her arm.

"We injected kryptonite into your bloodstream, so as it travels throughout your body. It will then surround your embryo sac hence weakening the baby's strength. Which will save you." he says with a smile.

"You're an asshole." Elora says making the maniac chuckle.

"Your humor is vigorous, but I do believe you should be thanking me. I'm the one who's going to save you, for now." he stated, brushing a few strands of hair out of her face. She flinched away from his touch and he smirked.

"Now I can see what Batman and Superman see in you." he leaned over her, his face close to hers, "Your beauty is remarkable, almost makes it sad for what's coming to you." he says and leans away from her and back into his chair.

"What does that mean? What are you planning?" Elora asked, it was like I've shooting through her veins and she felt fear for his devious plans. More so for her child.

"Now that would be ruining the surprise, wouldn't it?" he chuckled and began fiddling with the tube in her arm. She winced as he ripped it out of her, holding it in her view.

Lex sighed and clicked his tongue, "Just imagine, without a dose of kryptonite," with his free hand he patted her belly, she instantly felt fast movements inside her womb, "How recklessly angry it makes the baby after being weak for several hours. It's kinda like a tantrum. Observe." he says and points to her belly.

Elora looks confused before she felt the baby kick her ribs. An audible crack could be heard before she arched her back and howled in pain. She scrunched her eyes closed tightly, gnashing her teeth together to stop herself from screaming. It was as if all of her energy was drained as the baby got stronger inside her at a quick rate.

Lex patted her head and hushed her, "Shh, it's all gonna be okay. In time." he chuckled, Elora looked at him in horror and let out a scream.


"She was kidnapped, Adiya." Aurora says swiftly while shrugging on her leather jacket.

"None of this would have happened if it weren't for that asshole." Amora hissed in anger, it was very unlike her to be this furious. But the matter concerned her younger sister who is fighting for survival all on her own. Elora risked her life countless times for everyone, it was their turn to save her.

"What about Bruce? Has anyone heard from him?" Adiya asked, peeling her eyes from the book.

"No, but haven't you seen the news, Bruce was fighting against Clark and by the looks of it, it's really bad." Aurora explained.

"We'll focus on that later, at least we have the solution that will help Elora, right?" Amora asks frantically, the urge to tear down walls came over her as she just wanted to find her sister.

"Might, might help her. But it's worth a shot. We just need to find Elora."


Okay guys, this is the last ill be updating in a while. I know I said I wouldn't update but I just couldn't help myself.

Now I'm gonna go throw myself into the depths of books as my exams is going suffocate me. Is it weird that I'm not stressed? Coz really, I find it weird. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter. Our poor Elora is suffering so much. But remember there's a light at the end of every tunnel❤️

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