Chapter 12: Love Is Gold

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Clark has been avoiding me, well I've been avoiding him too. But whenever we make eye contact he always blushes. Wonder what that's all about.

We still don't have a plan yet, but Adiya and Anthony continue to search for what's left of our kingdom. Hopefully we can get a lead on where the village is. Amora is... Emotional, she thinks we won't win this war. But I know we will.

I closed my eyes and felt the wind brush through my hair and lightly touch my face. The water of the sea danced at my feet. Soul mate...

Dear diary...

They say the land and sea were and always will be soul mates. Like how the sun dies every night to let the moon live in the night sky. Admiring it's beautiful glow from miles away.

Love is no chemistry, love is not just any feeling. Love is beautiful. Love is gold. Well I wouldn't know what it would feel like and I wish I could accept it. But I can't. A monster of destruction isn't meant to be loved.

"What you writing there?" I jumped and looked around, my gaze falling on Clark. I breathed out in relief and turned back to the ocean view, clutching my journal close to me.

"Nothing." I breathed out.

He stood next to me, I could feel his warmth and I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him.

"Nothing? You do realize I'll keep asking you right?" I nodded my head, sparing him no glance as I watched the waves.

"I know, ever heard that curiosity killed the cat?" I asked him with a small smirk. He chuckled lightly and stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets.

"I uh... I wanted to say thank you."

I looked at him in surprise, "For?"

"If it weren't for you I'd still be in that trashy apartment probably living the rest of my days drowned in take outs and depressing movies." he said and we both burst out with laughter.

"Well thank God I came then." I said when we stopped laughing with wide smiles on our faces.

"Yeah, I also wanted to say, I overheard you and Adiya talk yesterday. A war is coming?" he asked, my mood suddenly darkened.

"It won't come to that." I snapped. He raised his hands in defense.

"But of it does, I'm willing to fight beside you. To help you at least." he says.

"Clark I can't have you risk your life-"

"I'm a kryptonian, I'm stronger than you think Elora. I can help you, a favor for a favor."

I hummed in response and looked out to the ocean. Somethings off.

"Do you feel that?" I asked him feeling this sudden wave of danger.

"I can sense it." he says.

"What do you think it is?"

I shrugged in response, "I don't know, but I know that we have to warn the others." I said, we both sped to the cottage and busted through the doors.

Amora and Adiya who was holding Cade both jumped at the sudden outburst. "I think they found us. We better go or get killed." I explained.

"But how? No one knows about this place except us." Amora says with a frustrating sigh.

"That doesn't matter, we need go now." Adiya said. We all rushed and packed our things quickly.

"Here's the plan guys. Adiya, Amora take everyone and get to the ruins of Orion. I'll distract the enemies and send them to another direction so I'll need a coat or a sweater from each of you. I'll divide it in different areas so that they can get confused by our scents. " I explained and they each gave me a shirt.

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