Chapter 11: No Pain No Gain

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Unknown POV

I stepped into the trashed penthouse, these demons are good for nothing. Honestly I should've done this myself. I always wanted to meet Elora, I wanted to show her how powerful I am.

She might have the Phoenix on her side, but trust me I have a better titan on my side. I stepped on broken glass, it wasn't only her scent in this place....maybe it was her sisters. But it can't be, I know their scents, this scent is unknown to me.

"It isn't here your majesty." Leon says with his gruff voice. I rolled my eyes and turned around slowly, looking at each of them as they cowered in fear.

"Each one of you standing here before me..." I walked past each of them, slowly, painfully slowly. "Are useless!" I said and gripped the weakest member of this day walker clan and watched as my powers disintegrated him. Turning him into ashes immediately.

"Now, at least tell me you can track her. You can find her am I correct?" I asked, looking at the portraits in the living room.

"Uh... Your majesty we-"

"Yes or no! Do you know where to find her or not?!" I yelled, my eyes flashed red and they all kneeled in fear. I snapped my head to Leon watching his tall frame slump in defeat.

"N-no your majesty."

"Then I have no use for all of you." I said and snapped my fingers, they all screamed out, their chest glowing red before their hearts were ripped out of their chest.

"Imbeciles." I said and walked out the apartment ignoring these foolish mundanes' questioning looks. Perhaps a trip to the Wayne household will get me some answers. After all, I must thank Mr Wayne for bringing back my beloved sisters.

Bruce POV

"Do you think she'll be able to do it?" Diana asked as we sat in my lair, just catching up.

"I don't think, I know she can do it." I said, Diana sighed and leaned back in her chair, "You don't seem to fond of her... Elora I mean." I said.

She frowned at me, "What do you expect me to say Bruce? Maybe there was a reason why her kingdom put that curse on her. Maybe she is the bad guy, what if she's just I don't know. Putting on an act." Diana asked angrily.

I was taken back by her thoughts, Elora isn't a bad person,"Well Diana I think you're forgetting, once the world didn't accept you because they didn't understand you. You never attempted to understand her, she's a good person Diana. Trust me." I said.

"Should she though?"

Both Diana and I jumped up at the voice of an unknown woman. We looked and saw a girl, she still seemed so young, like she is sixteen maybe. What is she doing down here?

"How did you get in here?" Diana asked, she looked at us with her piercing hazel and green eyes and smirked. She seemed familiar... Wait.

Elora warned me about something like this. She is....

"I think the better question is, who am I?" she chuckled, I looked at Diana just as she looked at me.

"Raia Rose Cohen." I whispered, just as she was about to blast us with fire I pushed Diana to the side. Her force hit my computer system and exploded.

"We need to get out of here!" I yelled and grabbed Diana's arm. We dashed out, I could see her back snapping for some reason until these dragon like wings appeared.

"Bruce, we have to stop her." Diana says.

"No, we have to warn Elora." I said digging in my pockets for my phone.

"Well you do that, but I have to stop her." she says and before I could hold her back she already jumped and charged at Aurora.

I called Elora, only to get her voicemail, it'll have to do. "Elora, she's here. She's here and she's attacking us."

I looked at Diana, she smashed her bracelets together letting out a force of her power. Aurora never flinched, it didn't even seem to have moved her. We both looked at each other before Aurora let out another wave of power.

I flew back, hitting the wall harshly before falling. I gasped and clutched my side in pain. "B-Bruce."

I snapped my head to Diana's direction, she had a big piece of glass pierced into her side. "Now, I didn't want to but I guess I'm gonna have to do this the hard way." Aurora said with a sinister smirk.

The next thing I knew... Darkness clouded my vision. Elora.

Elora POV

Adiya has been standing close to the edge of the cliff for quite some time now. It seemed as if another storm was approaching by the looks of the dark sky and the rough seas.

"Do you think she's okay?" Amora asks, I shrugged my shoulders. Anthony and Hunter were playing chess, sadly none of them know how the game goes and are making complete fools of themselves. I think Clark is still in the room.

"I'll go talk to her." I spoke up for the first time today.

"Aaahh, the woman finally speaks." Anthony chuckles, I send him a deathly glare with a flash of my golden eyes and he flinched and gulps.

I go outside and briskly walk to Adiya's side. We both stare at the raging sea and the waves were violent and the water reflected the sky's dullness.

"Don't tell me you considering suicide." I chuckled dryly. Adiya shot me a look of playful irritation and shook her head in amusement.

"No, I had a vision." she said while looking down at the ground in sadness.

"And? What did you see?"

"Aurora has a army raised from the fires of hell. We have no army Elora, we have nothing." she complained.

I clasped her hands in mine and smiled at her, "That's where you're wrong my dearest Adiya. We have each other, you, me and Amora. We will win this war with or without Orions help. I promise you that."

She smiled in contempt, "If anything happens... I need you to be the one to look after my little Cade."

I frowned deeply, she can't possibly think we're going to die. "Adiya-"

She covered my mouth with her hand, silencing me. "Motherhood is the best part of life. You never know what you're fighting for until you feel your own child in your arms. It's a beautiful thing. I'm fighting for my child's future. I don't know if I'll be apart of it, but I can only hope for the best. Elora you must promise, if I... If I die, take care of him, " she choked out as the tears ran down her cheeks.

I felt my heart clench, I shook my head and tried to move away from her but she held me in place,"Elora, protect him as your own, raise him as if he is your son."

I can't promise that to you sister....

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