Chapter 31

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"She must be his favorite place."


Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek, leading me towards his truck slowly.

"Why are you walking so slow?" I raised my eyebrows up at him.

"What?" Harry jumped. "I'm not walking slow."

I giggled at his quick reaction and rolled my eyes, kissing his cheek as he helped me into his truck. "Relax, babe. Tonight is going to be amazing. I know it." He grinned widely and leaned closer, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Hey could you look in the back seat for something for me real quick?" He asked, right before closing my door. I nodded and unbuckled, kneeling on the seat and turning. I gasped as I laid eyes on a white and black kitten with dark navy blue eyes. I meowed up at me from the seat it was curled up on, being tinier than Harry's palm.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed, snatching it up and holding it to my chest. The tiny furball meowed again as Harry climbed in with a large grin, eyes gleaming. "You got me a fucking kitten, Harry?!" I exclaimed, showering the little thing in kisses between my words.

"I did." He chuckled starting his vehicle. As he backed out of my driveway, I couldn't stop smiling as the kitten curled up in my lap. "Do you like him?"

"Are you kidding?!" I grinned. "What kind of kitty is he?" I asked

"A munchkin." Harry replied, smiling over at me. "I remembered you telling me about wanting one once, and I thought you'd like him."

"I'm gonna name you Munchie. You shall be my Munchie." I smiled, kissing the little kittens head. Harry chuckled and took my hand.

"I did good, right?" I smiled over at him and kissed his hand.

"I love you so much, Harry. I think anything you could've gotten me or done would be fucking amazing." He grinned and squeezed my hand.

"I love you more." He promised. I smiled and turned on the radio, jumping as Fall Out Boy came on. "Proof." He chuckled.

I shook my head and smiled as  we pulled up to a large building. "What are we doing here?" I asked, looking over to Harry as he got out.

"Bowling, what the hell do you think dear?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What about my kitty?" Harry shook his head and walked around to my side after shutting his door.

"My sister is waiting to take it to mine, where we'll be ending this magical night." Harry replied, taking my hand and kissing the back.

"Can't I just bring him in with me?" I asked, pouting. Harry chuckled and took my hand, wrapping his arm around my waist. I frowned as he took the kitten, jogging off to a car in the front row as I stood inside the front doors. Then he returned and was grinning, a heart shaped box in his hands.

"For you my dear." He grinned, setting it in my hands with a gentle kiss to my nose.

I smiled and held his hand as we walked into the bowling alley, smiling at the scent of pizza and the sound of pins getting wiped out.

"We have number 3." Harry said, smiling down at me. I shook my head, knowing well that he chose that lane because my favorite number was 3.

Harry got our shoes as I went over to the lane, smiling at the white rose laid on the table with a card tied to it. I lifted it up and admired Harry's gorgeous penmanship for a moment before reading the message.

Silent Cries H.S {AU}Where stories live. Discover now