Chapter 5- Mystic Falls High

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Josie's POV
I woke up, it was early. I got out of bed and pulled out an outfit and put it on. I looked at Lizzie and she was now starting to wake up.

L: Join is for breakfast and then you can leave.
J: Okay, I'll try.

Lizzie nods and got up. She grabbed her clothes and walked into the bathroom. I finished getting ready. After getting ready, I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and seen Hope and Mg standing there.

H: Good morning Jo.
J: Good morning Hope.
Mg: Good morning.
J: Good morning.

Mg and Hope walked inside of the room. I sat down on the bed and Hope sat down next to me. I gave her a small smile and she gave one back. Mg seemed really excited this morning.

J: Why are you so happy Mg?
Mg: I finally got my best friend back.
J: For right now.
Mg: Nope I'm going to Mystic Falls High with you.
J: No way really?
Mg: Mhm.
H: Alright well let's go get breakfast then.

Lizzie walked out first. Hope followed after her and Mg and I made our way with them. Once we got our food, we sat down at a table.

Mg: So what's first?
J: Probably the tour at the school.
Mg: Well yeah but are you sure you'd like to go?
J: Yes, I think it's best to leave and adventure out there more.
H: Would you ever like to come back?
J: Maybe, we'll have to see and find out.
H: Okay well I actually have to go. I'll see you guys later hopefully. Just come get me when you guys are leaving.

Hope gets up and walks away. Mg talks about comic books and Lizzie seems to be listening. I get up and take care of my tray. I see they are still talking so I take my chance to go find Hope. After awhile of searching, the one room I haven't been in is the gym. I make my way to the gym and see the doors are wide open.

H: So Josie, what brings you here?
J: Decided to come chat with you.
H: There's not much we can talk about.
J: There's a lot we should talk about.
H: Okay so what's up?
J: Why'd you kiss me?
H: Believe it or not but I actually do like you. Whatever happened between us, I am sorry for that. I truly am. I hope things could go back to the way they were.
J: You don't even remember what happened though?
H: I've been having these types of visions as you know of and I also can't seem to get my mind off of you ever sense you've been here. I don't know why this has just now been happening but what I do know is that I want my memories back, I want to know what we had and if it was truly that special.
J: I can't Hope.
H: Please Jo.
J: I can't.
H: Why? What's holding you back?
J: Because I didn't tell the full and honest truth about why we actually ended whatever we were. You were pissed, yes. We did have an argument but more went down then just that simple argument.
H: So that night that things ended is holding you back?
J: Yes because then you'll end up avoiding me again and I can't have that.

Hope nods in agreement and takes a sip of her water. I look at her with confusion.

H: What?
J: You aren't going to try to get me to make you get your memories back from me?
H: It'd be nice to have them but if you think I'd avoid you because of it then it's fine. I can wait it out until your comfortable enough.
J: Thanks Hopey.
H: Hopey?
J: Oh sorry I uhm forgot. I used to call you that.
H: Cute.

Hope smiles and I smile at her. It's nice seeing her smile again. I turn around and see Mg standing by the doors with Lizzie.

L: Thought you could sneak off dearest sister? It's time for you and Mg to head out.
J: Okay, Mg I'll be out there in a minute. Go get things ready.
Mg: You got it. Come help Lizzie.

Lizzie and Mg both leave. I turn and look back at Hope.

H: I guess this is goodbye.
J: No, it's a see you later. Hopefully.
H: Hopefully what?
J: Hopefully you won't chase after me while I'm gone.
H: What makes you think I'm a chaser.
J: I really wish you could have your memories back. It'd make things so much easier.
H: Then let me remember everything that happened between us.
J: Like I said I can't.
H: I know. See ya later then.
J: Bye Hope.
H: Bye Josette.

I smile and Hope smiles back. I turn around and began to walk out until I feel a hand hold onto my wrist. I quickly get turned around to where I'm facing Hope. Hope smashes her lips onto mine and I pull away.

I smile at Hope and kiss her back. It turned into a make out until the need for air came along. Hope pulled away first and I backed away from her.

J: You should come visit me sometime.
H: I'll think on it.
J: I gotta go now.
H: Mhm, Goodbye.
J: Bye.

Hope went back to punching a punching bag. I walked to the front of the school. I see Mg standing there with his arms crossed. I give him a small, awkward smile and he shakes his head. Lizzie came out and gave me a hug and left right after. Mg and I drove to the school.

Mg: So you and Hope?
J: There's nothing going on.
Mg: Then what took so long for you to get out here?
J: It was only 3 minutes.
Mg: Actually it was like 8 minutes Josie.
J: Oh, uhm we just had a small conversation and I said goodbye and left.
Mg: By small conversation you mean a make out right?
J: Maybe.
Mg: You should really just stay here then if you're gonna make out with her.
J: I'm already in a car with you Mg.
Mg: Whatever.

We got to school and climbed out of the car. My dad drove to where me and Mg would be staying, which was aunt Elenas house. Mg and I walk into the school and walked around. We were being toured around by a girl. After a bit a talking and walking, the girl ended the tour.

?: Well that's it for the tour. Any questions?
Mg: What's your name?
Fi: Finch.
Mg: Okay thank you.
Fi: What about you? Any questions?
J: No. I'm good. Thanks.

Finch nods and walks off. Mg looks at me and gives me a frown.

Mg: She was flirting with you Jo.
J: I know.
Mg: So why didn't you flirt back?
J: I technically just got done making out with Hope. I don't think it'd be right if I went straight into flirting with Finch.
Mg: Give Finch a shot.
J: I'll think on it.

After the tour, we got picked up and my dad drove to Elenas house. He walked us up to the door and said his goodbyes. He got into his car and we walked into the house.

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