Chapter 19- The Party, Drinks and Drugs.

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Hope's POV

I seen Josie looked upset. Lizzie said, well actually yelled that she had an announcement. Everything went quiet. I whispered to Josie

H: Everything okay?

J: Yeah, I'm fine.

I attempted to take my hand back, considering everything. Josie was still with Finch, they didn't officially break up just yet. Josie didn't let go of my hand, her grip just got tighter.

J: I'm not losing you again Hope.

Everyone looked at us, Josie gave them all a genuine smile and her sister went back to announcing whatever it was she wanted to say.

L: Well, I guess they beat me to it.

Everyone gave her a confused look. I looked around the room and seen someone leaving. I kiss Josie's cheek, which caught her off guard and I was able to chase after whoever was leaving.

J: Wait, Hope!

H: I'll be back, I promise!

I run away from the party. I see Finch pinning someone up against the tree. I backed away, thinking she was doing something with this other girl. Finch walks up to me.

Fi: You took my girl from me, you pay the price.

H: What?

Finch punched me and I got knocked back a tiny bit. I held my jaw and looked at Finch.

H: What was that for?

Fi: You kissed my girl, probably had sex with her and now you're pretending like nothing happened.

H: What?

Finch punched me one more time. I can't be violent towards her, Josie would want this to be different. Finch flew backwards and I turn around and see Josie. She had her arm up, was she the one who did the spell. She brought her hand down and rushed over to me. She touched where Finch punched.

J: Are you okay?

H: Yeah, are you?

J: You're the one who got punched.

H: I'll be fine. you didn't have to make her fly though.

J: She'll be fine.

Josie kisses me and pulls away. She walks over to where Finch was now lying on the ground.

J: It's over Finch. It always has been. We were doomed the day we met. Don't ever lay a hand on Hope again or you'll regret it.

Fi: I already regret dating you.

J: That's okay, I regret ever meeting you.

Josie turned around and walked towards me.

J: Let's go party Hopey.

I smile and we make our way back to the party. Once we got back, I went to grab us drinks. Josie came with me and took a cup and chugged it. I smirked and kissed Josie's cheek. I wrapped my arm around Josie's waist and kept her close.

Everybody was now drunk or high. A fight almost broke out. Rafael and Landon tried stopping it. Which they successfully made the fight stop happening. I sat on a chair in the Old Mill which was surprisingly comfortable. Josie was walking around aimlessly. I smiled and Mg came up to me.

Mg: You guys are cute.

H: Who?

Mg: You and Josie of course. Are you guys together yet?

H: No we are not Mg.

Mg: Good because Josie is dancing on someone right now.

I look over at Josie and quickly got up. She was indeed dancing on someone. Reminder to not let Josie drink EVER AGAIN. I grab Josie by her arm and walked back over to Mg. I sat back down and Josie sat on my lap. I placed one of my hands on her thigh and the other wrapped around her waist. Mg chuckled and walked off.

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