Chapter 8- The Spell

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Hope's POV

Lizzie and Mg walked into another room, I didn't want to be left alone with someone who didn't want me to remember them and somebody I barely even know. My mind kept shifting to the spell that Alyssa gave me, while Elena and Josie argued about why I was here. This was quite awkward.

After a bit of arguing, Elena looks at me. I gave her a small smile and Josie crossed her arms. This is such a nice reunion. If this is how every union would go, I don't want to be apart of it. I try looking for Lizzie and Mg to see if they're around the corner. Josie begins to talk.

J: I didn't expect you to be here.

H: I didn't really even have a choice to come. Lizzie just thought I would need some cheering up.

J: What's been going on?

H: What hasn't been going on.

Elena begins to back up and go into the same room as Mg and Lizzie. Why is everyone trying to leave me alone with Josie?

J: I'm being serious Hope.

H: Well, so am I. You wanted me to not remember you, why?

J: I- I can't tell you.

H: Why can't you? What did I do wrong?

J: What haven't you done that was so wrong? You've hurt me before, that's why I won't let you have your memories back. You hurt me Hope.

I seen tears forming in her eyes. What did I do? I need to figure this out. I need to make things right, first I'm starting with that god damn spell. I'll do whatever it takes to get my memories back, even if that means hurting a couple people in the process.

-1 Hour Later-

Lizzie's POV

It's been an hour, things have quieted down. I heard everything of what Hope said, I even heard Josie's voice break in a couple spots. I felt so bad for Josie. Maybe it was a bad idea to bring Hope with me. I tried helping them both out but now everything is just awkward silence. We were now all eating at the table, lunch looks pretty good today.

After eating, Hope helped Elena with taking care of everything. I seen Josie looking at Hope with absolute heart eyes. It was now time to go, Josie had homework to catch up on. I don't know why Josie and Mg skipped school, oh well. We said our goodbyes and Elena offered for Hope to come back anytime.

Once we were out the door, we began to walk away from the house. I heard what sounded like running from behind us. I stopped and turned around and so did Hope. Josie finally caught up with us, considering we were like 25 feet away from the house.

H: Is everything okay?

J: Yeah, I just wanted to wish you guys a safe journey.

Josie hugged Hope, that's a first. After their little argument, Josie was quiet. She didn't really make any noise. I wonder what made her have a change of heart. It was a pretty long hug, I tapped Hope's shoulder. Hope pulled away from the hug, and Josie walked back to her house. On our way home, Hope says something.

H: I'm going to do it.

L: Do what exactly?

H: I'm getting my memories back of Josie.

L: But she moved on I thought?

H: That doesn't mean that I can't remember her. I want to remember her, I want to remember all the memories, I just want to remember Lizzie.

L: This isn't only about remembering her. She told you, you hurt her. Now all you want to do is find out what you did so you can fix it. I'm not dumb Hope. If you're in love, just say that.

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