Chapter 6- Memories

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Josie's POV

We were all sitting around the table with Elena and her kids. Damon was off doing god knows what. The food we were eating was good. Elena sure does know how to cook. I just hope she doesn't ask any questions.

E: So Josie, do you have anyone special in mind.

I smile at the thought of Hope and decided to keep it a secret.

J: Not really.

E: You sure? Seems like your smile says something different.

J: Well she doesn't really remember me but we had something that I felt like it was real. It all got thrown out the window when I got pushed into this black gooey stuff. That eventually made everyone forget me.

Mg: It's fine though because everyone has their memories back. Right?

J: Hope, Raf, and Kaleb don't remember me.

Mg: What do you mean?

J: I made Alyssa promise to not do the spell anymore.

Mg: Why?

J: I wanted a fresh start after I realized that everyone forgot about me.

Mg: Does that mean you'll give Finch a shot?

E: Who's this Finch girl.

There was a knock on the door. I looked at Elena and she got up. I also got up and she went to the door. I followed her and Mg followed me. I stayed behind Elena and she opened the door. I seen Finch standing there, how'd she find out where I lived?

Hope's POV

It's been quite lonely in the Salvatore Boarding School. I've hanging out with Lizzie more, all Lizzie seemed to be talking about is Josie. I hardly known Josie but every time someone talks about her, I feel empty. I shouldn't feel this way for someone I used to know, technically. She made up her mind about me not getting my memories back. I'll fine a way to get them back, even without Alyssa's help. Speaking of the devil herself, Alyssa walks into the room. She looks at me and motioned me to follow her. I get up from my seat and walk over to her.

Al: I guess you could say that I feel bad, you deserve to have your memories back. Here's the spell.

She hands me a piece of paper. I look at it and shake my head.

H: She said it's best if I don't have them.

Al: Then she's obviously doing something behind your back. Take the damn paper and read it. Josie is keeping something from you. You deserve to know. She didn't seem all to convinced herself that the reason you guys ended was some argument. Find out what actually happened Hope.

H: Do you know what happened between me and her?

Al: Yeah I do but you deserve your memories back to actually see what happened. It wasn't only an argument and you guys sleeping with other people. There's more to the story.

I take the paper and opened it. I see the spell and I folded up the paper and put it in my pocket. I walked back over to Lizzie and she looks at me like I'm dumb and I shouldn't have talked to Alyssa.

H: What?

L: Siding with the enemy?

H: I need my memories back Lizzie. I hate hearing all these things about Josie when I can't even remember any of it.

L: Fine, my dad was meant to watch you while Josie is gone. Josie thinks you'll get your memories back. I'll help you get them back. I'll keep watch while you close the door to your bathroom or something and do the spell.

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