Chapter 17- Arguments

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Josie's POV

Once I seen Hope, I jumped out of my chair. Mg looked at Elena and Landon came running into the kitchen.

La: Hope you're back.

Landon quickly hugged Hope. Hope was hesitant on hugging back. She kept her eyes locked on mine. I gulped and Landon pulled away and stood next to Mg.

H: Hi Landon. I'm glad your happy I'm back. May I speak to Josie alone?

La: Of course. I'll be in the living room.

Mg: Everyone will be in the living room. Go for a walk you two.

I nod and walked past everyone. I grabbed a jacket and turned around. Hope was standing there with sadness in her eyes.

H: We need to talk.

J: Indeed we do.

We walked outside and walked to a nearby park. Nobody was out, just me and Hope. I sat down on a bench and Hope sat down beside me.

H: I'm sorry for dying on you.

J: Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. You can't avoid death.

H: You could always try though.

J: But it'll never truly work out Hope. How does it feel to be a vampire?

H: I don't like it.

J: Why don't you like it?

H: The blood lust, lights, hearing literally everything that goes on, do you want me to name more?

We both chuckle and then everything went quiet. Only sounds you could hear was crickets. For Hope you could probably hear everything in town going on.

H: It's so loud.

J: Glad I didn't pick to become a heretic.

H: There's a full moon in five months.

J: I know.

H: That's good. So Finch is a wolf?

J: Yeah.

H: And I've been hearing some rumors.

J: About?

H: Finch coming to the Salvatore Boarding School.

J: I didn't hear that.

Hope began to stand up and I followed her movements. I stood up as well, afraid of what's to come.

H: You also accepted another date from her?

J: I begged her to give me a chance.

H: Mhm okay. So you chose Finch.

J: Never said that.

H: You technically did when you accepted another date with her. How well did the first one go?

J: Hope. It's not like that.

H: Is that what you told her when she found out whatever happened between the two of you before the date!?

J: Hope stop. The reason that first date didn't happen was because of you!

H: I didn't do shit Jo and you know it!

J: You didn't do anything! Really!? You want to become the best liar in the goddamn town Hope!

H: So now everything is my fault!?

It feels like reality just hit me. I made Hope believe that everything was her fault. That's not what I wanted to do. Hope shook her head.

H: I wasted my time coming here. Goodbye Jo. It was good seeing you again.

Hope walked off and I sat back down. I didn't have enough energy to get up and chase after her. I wanted to so badly but I couldn't move. I messed up once again and this time Hope won't forgive me as easily as Finch did.

Author's Note: Short chapter I know. Anyway I'm trying to make as many obstacles as I can. I hope you guys are enjoying this

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