Chapter 38- Birthday Disaster

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Hope's POV

I looked at Lizzie who was looking at what was behind us. I stood up and looked behind us. It was Raf.

H: You're late.

Ra: Sorry, I came to crash the party.

H: Raf. Where's Landon?

Ra: Dead. Where else?

H: How'd he die? He'll come back.

Ra: No actually he won't. He died by the golden arrow.

Mg: Who killed him?

Ra: I did.

J: Why?

Ra: I had to.

I walked up to Raf and he held a knife up to my throat. I kept the eye contact with Raf.

H: Do it.

Ra: Why?

H: Kill me Raf. Do it.

Raf looked over at Josie and I kicked him. He fell back and cut my throat a tiny bit. He chuckled and stood up.

Ra: So it's true.

H: What is?

Ra: You love Josie, that's your weakness.

H: Love isn't a weakness. It's strength.

Ra: Is it now.

Raf walked up to Josie and I kept a close eye on him. He dragged the knife lightly on Josie's chest. A growl erupted from my throat and he looks at me.

Ra: So your just going to stand there?

H: I know you won't do it, you couldn't even do it to me.

Raf looked at me and threw the knife at me. I caught it and he smirked. I looked at him confused and he threw a wooden stake. It hit me in my side and I fell to the ground. I held onto my side and looked at Raf.

H: That's all you got?

Ra: No there's more, I'm just waiting for you to get up. It'd be stupid to kick you while you are down.

I pulled the stake out and it healed up pretty fast. I looked at Josie and she seemed worried.

H: Leave Josie and the rest of them out of this.

Ra: Wow, you're pathetic Hope.

H: Raf, please. I'm asking you to stop this.

He pulled out another stake and threw it at me, I dodged it and he threw another one and it hit me in the leg. He smirked and threw another one and it hit me in the abdomen. I groaned and everyone jumped out of their seat.

H: Guys, don't do anything stupid.

Ra: Yeah guys, don't do anything stupid.

Li: You know how wolves hate silver?

Ra: Yeah?

Li: Goodnight.

Lizzie stabbed Raf in the chest with a knife. He threw Lizzie into Mg and took the knife out. I pulled the stake in my leg out and it didn't heal as fast this time. Josie ran over to me and helped me get the one in my abdomen out.

H: Josie, check on Mg and your sister.

J: But your hurt.

H: I'll be fine. Kaleb, help Josie with Mg and Lizzie.

J: Hope, I'm not leaving you behind.

I looked at Josie and she kept the eye contact.

H: Josie please, just take them back to the school. I can't lose you.

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