Chapter 12- Josie's Wolf

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Josie's POV

It was now 3AM. Amelia explained how she was our cousin. Now I have to tell Lizzie about the loophole. How I went on to volunteer myself to become a heretic, or half wolf and half siphoner, She won't be to pleased about this one.

Am: Now Josette, do you have something to say?

J: I do, actually Lizzie there is a loophole to the merge.

L: When did you find out?

J: About a couple hours ago.

L: You didn't tell me?

J: I'm telling you now. Look Lizzie let me explain.

Lizzie looks at Amelia. I also looked at Amelia. Amelia nodded at me, signaling me to tell her. I didn't want to but it's better this way, hopefully.

L: Go ahead. Explain dearest sister.

J: So the only way to avoid the merge is turning into a heretic, or being half wolf or half siphoner.

L: Wait really? So who's going to become one of those?

J: I am.

L: What Josie no. That can't happen. What will Hope think about this?

J: Nothing because I'm not telling her so don't tell her please. It's not going to happen right now.

L: Do you want the blood lust? Do you want your bones to crack every full moon? We need to tell Hope.

J: No we don't. she doesn't have to know.

I looked at the clock and realized it was now 3:30. We're never going to get sleep at this rate.

J: Please don't tell her. I'm begging Lizzie. Only we can know. Dad can know too but that's it.

L: We can't keep this from her.

J: I know but she'll stop me and you if we both did this.

L: When is it happening?

J: Super early Saturday morning.

L: So what do you want to be? Hybrid, technically at this point or a heretic.

J: Whatever one is better.

L: Become a wolf. You don't have to deal with the blood lust.

J: I'll tell you when it happens. Get some rest.

L: You should too.

J: I will. I just have to talk to Amelia in private. Goodnight Liz.

L: Goodnight Jo.

Lizzie lays down and I get up. I tuck Lizzie in and she cuddles up to a pillow. I turn and look at Amelia. She smiles at me and realizes I lied to Lizzie. We were actually doing it tonight. I just had to make sure Lizzie was asleep.

Hope's POV

I finally decided to just jump out my window, turns out there was nothing on the window. Josie only put the spell on the door. I sneak back into the school, through Lizzie's window. I see Josie and Amelia looking at each other. Amelia seems to be smiley and Josie seemed upset.

I'll ask her about it tomorrow. I just have to sneak into Lizzie's room. Josie leaves, Amelia follows after to her, with a smirk. This wouldn't be good. I'll just follow them. I jump through the window and Lizzie wakes up.

L: Hope?

H: Shhhh.

L: What are you doing?

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