Chapter 53- Something's Not Right

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Hope's POV

After following A Lizzie. She stopped by the cafeteria. I sat down in front of her and she smiled. I looked at her hands and seen a ring.

H: Could I see that?

FakeLi: No, Mg gave this to me and I can't lose it.

H: What makes you think I'd lose it? We're best friends.

FakeLi: It's just really special, ya know?

H: Oh come on, just let me see it.

FakeLi: I actually have to go.

She got up and ran off. I stood up and looked down at my hands. I got the ring. I looked back over at whoever was running away and seen a tall black haired guy. He disappeared around the corner. I looked down at my hands and smirked. Now I just need to find Josie.

Josie's POV

It's been hours and I still haven't gotten anywhere. I went to the gym and seen Akayla. It was time to talk to her. I need to know who else is part of her team. I need to figure all this out.

Ak: Josie, my best friend.

J: I don't feel the same way.

Ak: Why not?

J: Well you're pretending to be my best friend. That goes against the best friend code.

Ak: You guys have codes, wow that's weak.

J: Now why are you doing this?

Ak: I want Hope.

J: Pretending to be Mg and Lizzie will get you nowhere.

Ak: So I should pretend to be you?

J: Too bad you don't have that little ring on your finger.

She looked down at her hand and groaned. I smirked and Hope came rushing through the door. How did she find me?

H: Before you ask, I think I found the next guy who is pretending to be Lizzie. Who's that?

J: This? She's uh her name is Akayla.

H: So your telling me that I got with her? Someone who wants to gaslight and manipulate people?

Ak: Don't act like little Ms Perfect here isn't the same as me.

H: I know in my heart that she'd never do this to be with someone.

Ak: Then she's not enough for you. Give me an actual chance.

H: No, I want Josie. I know it's weird to say cause I technically just met her but something just tells me that she's the one I truly want.

J: Hope.

H: Oh yeah right. Sorry but here.

Hope handed me a ring and I raised an eyebrow. She explained everything that happened to her and I thanked her. I don't know why but she has helped a lot but she can't help anymore. She needs to focus on getting her memories back with Emma.

Ak: You guys are pathetic.

H: You tried to pretend to be someone your not, now that's pathetic.

Ak: Your girlfriend there does the same exact thing.

H: She just puts on a happy front, there's nothing wrong about that.

J: Hope, just ignore her.

Ak: Yeah listen to her.

J: Okay seriously just shut up. We'll find whoever it is that's working with you. Well by we, I mean me because Hope here has something more important to do.

H: What do you mean?

Akayla raised an eyebrow and Hope tilted her head a tiny bit. I looked at Hope and just smiled and hopefully she got the hint. She didn't though, I rolled my eyes and pulled her out of the room.

J: Your memories? You still need to get them back.

H: I can do that after helping you.

J: You did enough now please go and get your memories back.

H: Jo, don't push me away.

J: I'm not, we'll see each other later. I promise.

H: Okay, do I bring snacks or?

J: Yeah sure, I'll see if Lizzie wants to stay over at Mg's or something.

Hope nods and walks off. I walked back inside the gym and Akayla was leaning on one of the bars.

Ak: So she lost her memories?

J: How did you-

Ak: Vampire hearing.

I nod and walked out of the gym. We need to find this guy that's wondering the halls. Someone should also keep watch on those doors. I walked into my room and told Lizzie. She said she'd keep watch and I thanked her.

Later tonight was coming up and there was a knock on my door. I opened the door and seen Hope. I smiled and I moved out of the way. Hope walked in and dropped the snacks on my bed. I closed the door and something stopped the door from fully closing.

I opened it and seen a guy standing there. He had black hair, it was slightly curly. Then he was in black ripped skinny jeans, a black tight shirt and he had necklaces on.

?: So where's my friend?

J: Your friend?

?: You know exactly who I'm talking about Josette.

This can't be real.

Author's Note: Yea it's short but I had to leave you guys on some sort of cliffhanger. I'm exhausted and I have issues with sleeping so I wrote this chapter for a little bit. I hope you guys enjoyed this.

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