Chapter 21- We Need A Plan, A Klaus Mikaelson Plan

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Hope's POV

I've been trying to ignore Lizzie and avoid going back into the gym where we have Amelia. Dr. Saltzman has been trying to find me but I'm avoiding him too. There's nowhere else for me to go. I probably scared Dr. Saltzman. He'll lecture me. He'll talk about how I acted like my father. I'll do anything to avoid that talk again...

Josie's POV

I've been trying to get ahold of Hope. She hasn't picked up. I debate on actually going to see her until Finch walks up to me.

Fi: Go see her. I'll cover for you in classes today.

J: I can't.

Fi: Why can't you?

J: School, and people will get worried about me being gone again.

Fi: Then stop looking like you're miserable here.

J: How about we both go to the Salvatore Boarding School. You'll meet new people and we can transfer there.

Fi: Would Hope like that?

J: I'll talk to her about it.

Fi: When?

J: After school.

Finch nods and we walk to class together. Why is she being so nice all of a sudden.

Mg's POV

Josie and I have been texting while Lizzie tries to find Hope. Pedro is trying to hide from Hope and Lizzie as well. Dr. Saltzman has been stressed with finding Hope. Everyone apparently needs Hope today. Whatever Hope did, I hope it wasn't that bad.

Landon's POV

It's been an rough morning. Everyone has been asking me about Hope. I wish I knew where Hope was, I'd tell them where she would be. I start to help them find Hope. I know where she goes when she gets stressed out. I check the library, nowhere. I check her room, nowhere. I check Lizzie's room, not there either. It finally hits me, the Old Mill.

I ran as fast as I could to the Old Mill. I found Hope sitting on the steps. She sees me and quickly stands up.

La: What's going on with you?

H: Everyone still looking for me?

La: Yeah, why are you hiding from them?

H: Alaric seen me go all "Klaus Mikaelson" on Amelia. Lizzie is asking me about something because I know Josie wants to know-

La: You're gonna do the thing?

H: Thanksgiving break.

La: Go Hope, Anyway carry on.

H: Pedro is just hiding from me for some reason. Mg has been trying to help but my main focus right now is Amelia.

La: Why?

H: She thinks I'm gonna put Josie in danger.

La: Aren't you and Josie in love?

Hope smiles and I smile. I finally made her smile after a long and horrible afternoon and morning.

H: I wouldn't say we're in love.

La: Why not?

H: I- I don't know.

La: So don't say you guys aren't in love if you don't know. Your mom and dad would be so proud of you for finding your epic love.

H: How did you know?

La: You used to tell me everything and then I left you multiple times and then you stopped telling me things. You just told me how you're mom wanted you to find an epic love, a true love, and overall she just wants you to find love.

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