Chapter 51- How Would We Do This?

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Josie's POV

Hope was now standing up. Emma carefully made her sit back down. Hope shoved her off of her.

H: Don't touch me. I don't even know you guys.

Em: I'm Emma, your school counselor. Sit down please.

H: Why should I listen to you?

J: Please just sit down.

Hope looked at me and it looked like her facial expressions softened. I smiled and she sat down. Lizzie grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

J: What?

Li: How'd you do that?

J: It's called manners.

Li: Emma did the exact same thing but Hope didn't sit down.

J: Maybe her and Emma used to have a past and-

Li: Stop, don't even start that sentence. I'm pretty sure that Hope is in love with you still. Even without all the memories. It wouldn't really change how you feel-

J: You sound so stupid right now. If she forgot every single one of us then she'd most likely not know how to feel with any of us.

Li: Anyways, as I was saying Hope obviously has strong feelings for you.

J: She does?

Li: You guys dated before, why are you questioning her love for you?

J: I wasn't questioning it, I just don't think Hope could be IN love with me. Ya know?

Li: I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, now what's our plan?

J: Hope has a date later tonight so we should get her ready for that.

Li: Your missing your shot. You seriously are oblivious.

I raise an eyebrow and Lizzie shook her head. Emma walked outside and said to go back into the room because it looked like Hope was about to have a panic attack. I walked inside without Lizzie and Emma and sat down next to Hope.

J: Hey, everything is okay.

H: Did you guys kidnap me?

J: Oh uh no, we didn't. This is a boarding school, it's actually a home for you. It's always been home to you since the night of your- actually let's just keep it at a home.

H: No please go on.

J: I really shouldn't. It'd be wrong of me to bring it up when you promised me to never talk about it again.

H: Did we have something?

J: What do you mean?

H: Were we ever together?

J: No, we weren't. We are just best friends, or were.

H: Really?

I nod but she doesn't seem to convinced with my answer. I sighed and looked down.

J: Yes we had something but it didn't last long.

H: Why didn't it last long?

J: You told me you cheated and I didn't give you the time of day to explain what actually happened so we broke up.

H: I cheated? On you? Why would I?

J: Well you didn't really cheat. Your ex actually kissed you and then you came and told me about it after some dinner we had with our friends.

H: Did I eventually explain what happened?

J: Yes but then I stayed with Finch, and then cheated on her.

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