Chapter 40- Enjoy Your Trip

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Hope's POV

It was finally time for me to leave. The truth is I might not come back. It'll be safe for everyone here. I need to destroy all my dads enemies before coming back and that could take forever.

J: So Hope I guess this is goodbye.

H: No, it'll be a see you later.

J: Would you come visit?

H: If you tap that bracelet I gave you then yes, I'll come visit.

I smiled and hugged Josie. I looked at everyone and hugged them.

Li: Enjoy your trip Hope.

H: I'll try.

We all laugh and I walked away and didn't look back. I got into my car and drove off. I know where I'll be going first; New Orleans.

Josie's POV

Once Hope left, Lizzie wanted to throw a party. Lizzie dragged me over to the Old Mill.

Li: You'll be helping me with the party.

J: Why?

Li: Why not, you won't be "distracted" this time.

J: Okay, I'll help but what's in it for me?

Li: A drink is.

J: I don't drink Lizzie.

Li: Well you will tonight.

J: As long as Finch doesn't try to kill any of us then sure.

Li: She's not even invited.

J: Good. Let's get this party set up.

Lizzie smiled and we started to set up the party. Tonight will be a good night, hopefully.

Mg's POV

The girls were setting everything up and I just had to invite people. I know not to invite Finch because of what happened last night. I avoided Finch at all cost. Kaleb came up to me.

Ka: Yo Mg.

Mg: Kaleb?

Ka: Finch wants to know why she isn't invited to the party.

Mg: It's easy, she tried killing Hope.

Ka: Okay? Haven't we all?

Mg: No? She's our friend Kaleb. Also let's not forget that Josie is literally in love with Hope so we just have to avoid Finch.

Ka: I think we should invite her.

Mg: We should try to actually listen to Josie and Lizzie. If they don't want her to come then we just have to allow that. I feel bad for it too but it's better to just listen.

Ka: Alright bro, we won't invite her.

I nod and Kaleb walked off. I walked to the Old Mill and seen Josie and Lizzie still setting things up.

Mg: You guys need help?

Li: Yes.

Mg: Okay what do you need help with?

Li: Moving that table.

Lizzie pointed at the table and I looked at it. It didn't look to heavy. I walked over to it and Lizzie came over and we both lifted it and put it in the middle of the Old Mill.

Li: Thank you.

Mg: You're welcome.

We heard some yelling. I looked at Josie and she looked at me.

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