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Stage 2: The Awakening

This second, awakening stage is where you physically meet, and the awareness of your compatibility hits you head-on.

This will often be a chance encounter that is full of coincidences and little signs that your meeting was destined to take place.

Sometimes, you won't be together for very long, but even brief contact is enough to make you aware that something special is happening.

(Source: thelawofattraction.com)

Sanaa ☯️

My arms immediately clasped around his torso as my head leaned on his chest, slightly drenching his jacket. Droplets of his tears rolled down my neck as he held me as tight as his arms permitted him to. The only sounds that my mind could grasp were our steady breaths and our hearts hammering against our chests.

"I'm so sorry," I managed to let out. "I'm a horrible friend."

"It's okay -"

"It's not. You were always there for me and I failed to do the same."

"I told you to stay away from me. It was my fault," he argued.

A small frown made its way to my face as his body unclasped from mine, which caused the warm, tingly feeling within me to dissipate.

"That doesn't matter anyway. We have a lot to talk about," he said, staring at me intensely.

"Yes, we do."

"Let's take a walk," he whispered, handing me his hand out. I instantly clasped our hands together before we walked out of the building.

My head remained glued to the ground as the cool winter breeze hit my soaked cheeks. My mind couldn't grasp the fact that I finally met the person who constantly invaded my dreams in the physical realm.

My thoughts were brought to a halt when I realised that we abruptly stopped.

"I need to buy something before we get back to the hospital gardens," he said as my head shot up. My cheeks began to heat up as my eyes peeked through the flower shop.

We got out shortly after with a bouquet of white camellia flowers in my hand. I mildly sniffed the flowers before mumbling a thank you.

We proceeded to walk in silence until we reached a bench at the entrance of the huge hospital gardens. I placed the flower bouquet on my lap before taking his hands in mine to caress them.

"Your hands are warm," he smiled softly.

"Thanks," I quietly chuckled. "Your hands are quite cold," I commented, squeezing them gently.

"They're always cold," he shrugged. "You've been quiet. That's unusual."

"This may sound embarrassing to admit but being around you makes me nervous," I admitted.

"Why would you be nervous? I'm still the same person you've always known."

"It's just a lot to take in," I sighed. "I would've never expected my first encounter with you to be at a hospital."

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