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 The next day in college...

Rose's POV:-

(The alarm rings) I dismiss the alarm clock, stretching my arms and yawning as another morning arises.

My dad yells to come downstairs to have breakfast so I quickly brush my teeth, get dressed, and go downstairs to have my breakfast. As soon as I finish up I take the bus to reach my college.

10 minutes later ......

I wear my backpack and head towards my classroom and I suddenly get a glimpse of him standing right by the door as if he was waiting for someone to arrive, I stood there for a minute as I felt a bit nervous and then I took my steps to the classroom and as soon as he notices me he pats my head and greets me by saying, "Good morning' Rose" with a smile upon his face as I have never seen him this way but I did feel something I never felt before. So I shake my head to come to my senses and stop fantasizing about stuff, then I went inside after greeting him back hesitantly and started walking to my desk, as I was walking I heard footsteps that followed mine, as I turned back and it was Noah then I realized that he is in the same class as me and it's obvious that he would be going to his desk to take a seat then I entered the class as the lecture was about to begin in few minutes.

As the third period started I looked at Noah and he was peacefully sleeping on his desk, I mean he did look kinda tired this morning, as I was looking at his features, suddenly our both eyes made contact as it widens a bit and for a moment it felt as if only him and I are were present and no one else, I'm usually fine with making eye contacts while talking to my friends but his stare made me wanna not look away. He's so handsome it hurts.

Finally, the lunch break has arrived....

Noah's POV:-

Argh, I hope she doesn't distance me after all that happened this morning pouts a small sad face "DAMN IT!" As I say it aloud, everybody looks at me but I ignore it. And what was with all that patting her head, greeting and staring into her eyes it's embarrassing T.T what is going on with me (bell rings for a lunch break) should I follow her? Wouldn't that be weird? Nah why would it- No it would, I'm gonna follow her! (Whispering to myself)

Rose's POV:-

(Getting up from my chair) I think I should (stomach grumbles) go to the canteen, I'm hungry so let's get some snacks as I was craving for some but then again I heard footsteps following behind me but I noticed, it was the same as morning IT WAS NOAH!! sighs why is he following me now (murmuring inside my head) he followed me everywhere so I finally turned back and asked, " Noah, what is it do you want now? You are literally following me everywhere I go!"

Noah replies:- um... Nothing I was bored so thought about following you instead smirks

As I and Noah were having a conversation a girl interrupts and got his attention telling him a teacher called to his office as he needs to be there, so without further asking any questions he heads towards the office. The moment he leaves a group of girls who are considered as bullies of the school also popular surrounds me and takes me to the closed lab and right after closing the door a girl named Yuri pushes me towards the wall and bad mouths me and says, " Noah is mine how dare you even look at him, why is he following you everywhere you go, what did you do to him that he caught your attention and not mine?!" I smirk as I get a grip of myself, " Oh so he is yours? Says who? You are just one of those pathetic bitches who wants the attention from guys who are rich and popular, are your feelings actually true for him? Oh and about him following me I never asked him to follow me, he acted upon his own will." 

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