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  The Next day

Every parent gathers as they all have been called to attend a small event held by the principal with their children even king and queen attended.

The principal came on the stage announcing that rose is going to give a speech on something very important.

As everyone heard that it's Rose a student here is going to give a speech they lost interest and were very angry that the parents came here out of their busy schedule just to hear something from a student but they seated as they had no choice but to cooperate

Rose comes on the stage and starts speaking

Hello everyone I am Rosetta

(All the students were wondering what she had to say so importantly and what do parents have to do with it. Noah, Emily, Lucas, and yuri knew nothing about this. And so later on after her introduction, she continued her speech.)

I come from a small hometown where I live with my father and I came here to become independent and to support my father,

The king interprets,

"Principal said it was an important speech why is this speech about your life? Because we came here canceling schedules we have for today, if it really isn't important I shall leave." (The king states it in a soft and serious tone)

Rose:- "It's an important speech and I promise you all will have a change of heart, I'm sorry to take your precious time but wait till the end."

(She continues after the king agrees to stay till the end)

My life was nothing but complete loneliness and never got the parental love that every child should be getting and most of the time my father was always drunken as our mother absences made him like that and I didn't even remember my mom only thing I had left was her picture but one person did come into my life and changed it with love that I always wished to get for but still the parental love and affection was always lacking in my life.

I am not here today to talk about myself but on behalf of every student here to their parents

Even if I wished to talk to my mother right now or to spend some time with her I can't know why because she's not here with me but everyone does right here and yet your children present here feel like they don't have one because they never spent some proper time with their parents which caused a huge impact on their minds.

Why do you think that money is everything compared to love and it doesn't mean that your children are happy just because you buy them their favorite things which makes them happy, because it doesn't just the half part of them is sort of happy but your love and time is what makes them truly happy? Your presence when they need you to be there and you make their moments special and they want to cherish it

Think that you had the busiest schedule and had to cancel from spending a day with your children though you have promised them but broke it but it's not that you don't love them but because you think giving them comfort life while earning money as much as you can. Now imagine that you said to your child we will make the plan some other day and you can not be there with them and then what if your child becomes miserable because they might think something else and would be gone from this world because I could die this second or anyone could with no prediction to the when their death arrives, so what you will do when that next time never comes again.

You should make time for children even if it means taking out time from the tightest schedule for their special and important moments because they are the reason for you all to work hard and become successful.

Love them cherish them they need love more than money

They need your time more than your money

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