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Luna’s POV:-

Me and Noah tried food from all the different stalls little by little and then I decided to buy a cotton candy and asked if Noah wanted one as well…

“Do you want one too?”

Noah:- “No I’m fine.”

So we started walking together and as I was about to talke a bite, he suddenly bent down and took a bite with me at the same time and I quickly backed off with some cotton candy in my mouth and looked at him and he smirked while eating and said…

Noah:- “mmm this is actually really good because I’m having it with you reason why I didn’t buy it for myself.” (Smiles)

He walked away while I just simply stood there and As I came back to my senses, he turned back coming towards me holding my hand and told me to keep holding his hand and never let it go. I simply nodded and we both started walking.

After going on rides it was almost mid night and fireworks were about to start at 11:55. There were many people and not a place for us to watch the fire works and i really wanted to watch but i didn’t think we could.

“Noah will we be able to watch fire works together? I don’t think we can.” (Upset)

He didn’t say a word and just smiled taking me away from the crowd and took me to the elevator of the tallest building i was confused upon him taking me there.

“Will you say something about where you’re about to take me to?!”

“You’ll know.”

I just remained quite and he took on the top of the floor and when he cane out i could see the entire city view and it was beautiful and also it was guarded with bodyguards.

Noah:- “Isn’t this much better to watch fireworks from here? (Smiles) i didn’t say much because I wanted to surprise you and no one is allowed here except for the elite people.”

“Elite people? I mean this is all great but I’m not one of the elite people so i don’t think i should be here.”

Noah:- “What are you even talking about? You belong to me so that means you’re gonna be my wife very soon.” (Looks at the view)

“W-wife.. (low tone) my cheeks turned red and I felt shy..
Who even talked about me being your wife?” (Turns around)

Noah:- (chuckles) You are going to be and no one else and you know that I can’t without you.”

As he said those words fireworks started as i heard the sound And I looked up at the sky. The scenario was unreal and beautiful as I was Mesmerised and my mind was constantly thinking about Noah and his words so I turned to look at him and quickly turned looking at the sky.

(Noah turned towards Luna while she was staring at the fireworks with a bright smile he went closer to her and pulled her towards him in his arms)

As I felt a warm feel I quickly turned my eyes from sky and saw noah closer to me I looked at him as my heartbeat was going very fast while I saw him coming closer to me and reaching my lips so I quickly turned my head and looked at my watch.

“Oh my gosh it’s already past 12 and your deal is over now so we should head home now.”

Noah:- “Yah! This isn’t fair get back here! We stay a bit longer.” (Whines)

“Remember what the deal was about me obeying you for a day and now it’s over so come on get up.”

He was a bit frustrated about not being able to kiss me and he looked kinda funny so I turned around to take a look at him and he looked at me shyly so I turned around not making it awkward and started walking back his car.

To be continued….

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