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Luna's POV:-

After I let those words out to Noah, my face turned red and I was embarrassed also shy so I face myself away from him and run downstairs. After going downstairs I see Emily,

"Uh, Emily I will be heading quickly to university so you guys can come later on okay?"

Emily:- "Yeah but why do you seem to be in a hurry? Also why is your face so red?" (Confused)

"I just want to head early today so yeah and it's nothing I don't know why it's red either anyways don't worry, I'll be going now."

(45 minutes before the class starts)

So I rushed out quickly and took a taxi on my way so that I don't have to face Noah. After a few minutes I reached the university and started walking through the gate many girls greeted me till I went to my class also I saw many bouquets and gifts from my classmates and everyone thanked me for what I did and many were really into being friends with me and I felt the happiest at that moment. And then Yuri came towards me and said,

Yuri:- "Um hey, Rose? I really want to apologize for what I did to you and I know it's hard for you to forgive me and stuff but thank you so much for what you did for us despite the treatment we gave you also if it weren't for you I would have still been distant from my parents and you made us all close with our families. You really are the most amazing person I have ever met."

"It's totally fine besides it's what happened in the past I really hope we continue to be nicer to each other and I'm glad I was able to do something for you."

(Yuri nods and gives a hug and a warm smile)

I was really happy for Yuri but then I heard most of the girls shouting Noah's name out loud, I really didn't want to face him but he would feel uncomfortable around those girls so I went to him and took him in my class and Emily was there with him because she wanted to talk to me about the morning so I took her outside of the class and said,

"You wanna tell me something?"

Emily:- "Yeah I did want to, I mean about the morning why'd you wanna go so quick?"

"It's because I had to do something on my way to university."

Emily:- "Okay then."

Emily goes and sits beside my desk and calls me to come quickly meanwhile I took heavy breathes and turned around and I saw Noah sitting in his place and looking at me so we both stared into our eyes but we both quickly turned around blushing while we remembered the kiss we had this morning, right after few moments a girl approached Noah and started clinging on him which made me jealous. So I didn't want to bother it and went and sat on my chair.

Emily:- "Hey what's with this unique bouquet and the card in it? (Smirks) want me to read it?"

"What bouquet? Some of the students did give me bouquets what's unique in them I mean they are lovely and pretty."

Emily:- "Woah but this one is different from others non have a card but this does and it's so sparkly as well! Wait, is this someone confessing their love for you? (Teases Luna)

"YAH! There's nothing like that and who would confess to a poor girl also let me check it out."

I open the card and start reading it,

{Rose I have been into you for a while now and I always watched you from afar and I'm the secret admirer of you and I want to date you and meet you, I brought all this courage in me to finally say you this hope you accept this and meet me at the rooftop after the university.}

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