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Noah's POV:-

I woke up rubbing my eyes and I see my mom right in front of me holding my phone and I got nervous because my mom was looking at the lock-screen picture of me and Luna so I tried coming up with an excuse,

"Um, mom it's not what it seems like-

Noah's mom:- (lets out a laugh) "It's okay Noah you don't need to be nervous and I knew it already you liked her.

"Oh, but how did you know that i.."

Noah's mom:- "Every time I saw Luna at gatherings at the palace or events your eyes are always fixed on her and you are my only son how wouldn't I know who you like or not." (Smiles)

"So you're not agitated about me and Luna?"

Noah's mom:- "Of course not! so tell me how is everything with her and tell me everything about how you guys met?" (Strokes his hair while smiling)

" I met her? It was the day I left the palace and went to her hometown and when I got there I took admission in a college and on the first day of college I bumped into her on the road while she was in a hurry so by accident she dropped her book on the ground but the moment I bumped into her my heart had these confusing feelings, I wasn't into her but she was pretty so I thought this fallen book on the ground as an excuse to get to her, so I went to find her and I ended up checking many places in college and I finally saw her at the auditorium and there she was with another girl having a chat so as I went close to them I heard one of the girl talking about the new guy here and it was me so I hid myself to hear their conversations and she just kept praising about my looks but then Luna interrupted her conversation and said, "I don't get why you all are making a fuss about him I mean it's his first day, yet he's the talk of this college which means popular already? He is just a normal person just like us. (Chuckles)

His mom chuckled too seeing his son being happy and smiling talking about Luna.

You know mom it was the first time someone said that I was just a normal person like every other because many people wish to get close to me for looks or just wealth and fame, but she was someone different who never came towards me for any of those and I even did something to test her I thought she'd be in love with me but instead, she rolled her eyes being a little pissed off which was very unexpected for me which made my heart light up with happiness even though she talked to me in a rude way which was probably the first time someone reacting that way towards me.

His mom kept listening to Noah...

We saw each other almost every day at college and we slowly got to know about each other little by little. One day she asked me why I was lonely and putting up an act of being happy and why I distant myself from people which was quite surprising to know that she understood me and I was unable to answer her and then she came a bit closer to me and said, "sometimes it's okay to let people come closer to you and to lean on them as they could help you out with things rather then you doing it all by yourself." Hearing this made me comfortable and quite nice and that's when I felt that she's the one for me who'd only understand me even with a single word out from me. It did take me some time but eventually, we got officially together!"

Noah's mom:- "Wait What?! you dated Luna?"

"Yeah I use to." (Somber tone)

(Noah still missed the old times he had with her but all these consequences made him leave Luna for her sake and then he said about the incident that happened at Luna's reunion party which made her mom feel bad for his son so she embraced Noah in her arms and comforted him)

Noah's mom:- "It's okay Noah things like these always happen when you're in love with a person and you really sounded like a nice mature guy but at this age, you shouldn't be making things hard for yourself and giving up people you love is not the right solution to protect her or anyone. Let me tell you about how I and your father met."

"I wasn't as wealthy as your father was because I belonged to a normal family with a good life then there was this day where I met your father, it was awkward at first but then we met twice by coincidence and then decided to keep meeting as it felt like a destiny between us then after few months he proposed me in a beautiful place where it was just him and I, then revealed he was recently crowned by his parents to become a king which made me speechless because I wasn't expecting that at all but later on he assured me to keep me the happiest and live the way I liked as I was his first love, he did give me a whole day to think about my decision whether I wanted to be with him of not because being a queen isn't easy but if I have the person I love so it wasn't an issue at all. The next day we met again and I said to him if me being with you eternally brings you happiness then I accept your proposal which made your father scream in happiness and hug me.

And honestly, I am the happiest right now though I may not have so much freedom where I could go where ever I want but being with your father and you both, I have no regret that I choose to be living with your father.

And as much as I know I think Luna feels the same way as I do because she wants you and you want her as much as she does so let her decide it because being a queen after all isn't easy but if she is ready to go through anything as long as she thinks you're next to her than everything is alright.

And in my opinion, if Luna were to be a queen of this country she would make a great one because she has the willpower to set anything right for the people who seem to have trouble with anything in their daily lives and this country might be embraced by all the love given by her.

So I would gladly accept her as my Son's wife (proudly smiles)

"Mo- mom you're already talking about her being my wi- wife?!" (Blushes from ear to ear)

Noah's mom (nods and chuckles):- "Yeah why not.

Anyways Good luck Noah, I hope things work out for both of you.

(kisses on his forehead, strokes his hair again, and goes from his room)

(Talks to himself alone)

"After hearing all these words from my mom made me realize I was wrong the whole time and I kept shutting myself away from her all this time when I could have created those beautiful moments with her again. I'm such an idiot for thinking stuff like that without even taking her feelings into consideration. I can't waste more time now I need to go and bring Luna all to myself before anyone else could have her."

(He wore proper clothes and ran to her house)

We all hope that Noah and Luna could be back together again so let's stay tuned to know if Luna still wants to be with Noah or not.....

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