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Since the day I saw the replies he sent me I was depressed and barely could take care of myself, I- I wasn't feeling myself at all. Every single day those replies haunted me that I cried myself to sleep by crouching my knees to my chest by holding it with my arms and the next mornings I would wake up late with swelled up eyes.

Rose's POV:-

I wake up from the bed as I hear my dad yelling my name, "what time is- looks at the clock oh nooo~ whines its 11 am, GREAT!" sighs I go brush my teeth quickly and tie my hair loose by walking fastly downstairs.

Dad's POV:-

"I'm starving as hell when will she ever learn to do things sighs ROSE! COME DOWNSTAIRS QUICKLY YOU HAD ME WAITING FOR AN HOUR NOW- oh so you're here now what took you so long to make me a goddamn easy breakfast I'm hungry for an hour now." stares angrily

Rose: "Oh, I'm sorry I overslept a bit, I'll quickly make you breakfast to eat."

Yeah right, now make it quickly. 

Rose's POV:-

Why does he have to shout for every single thing couldn't he make himself breakfast if it's that easy for him. Then I quickly made breakfast for him and gave him on time as I was about to leave he pushed the plate and it fell down the food was all over the ground and the plate shattered.

 He yelled, "What in the world did you even COOK!? IS THIS EVEN SUPPOSED TO TASTE LIKE THAT? What are you even capable of doing huh? All you do is go to college and do nothing for me-

"Did you just say do nothing for you, dad? I TAKE CARE OF ALMOST EVERYTHING AT THE HOME OKAY! I wash your clothes, I make your food and who do you think takes you to bed in the middle of the night when you come home completely wasted from drinking tons of alcohol at the bar? And you call it doing NOTHING FOR YOU? DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT ME EVER SINCE MOTHER ISNT HERE- leaves a laugh (as slowly tears began to roll down my cheeks*

He cuts my sentence as soon as he hears the word "mother" and says...

Dad:- As you brought the subject about your mother, When your so-called mother left me she should have taken you with her or else it wouldn't have been a burden or you know what else would've been better IF YOU WERENT BORN AT ALL, maybe the fate would have been different for me rather than this"

" I- I'm a burden to you? Wow-"

I couldn't control my tears, everything looked blurry so I ran to my room upstairs. Everything was okay well not really but I was able to take it in all so far but this I mean what he said was too far. How could he even say that to his own child I couldn't understand I kept questioning myself that why do everyone I wish to take care of and love goes far away from me, are they the problem, or is it all me? I never could find the answer to my self questions as it keeps striking my mind every single day and night.

After a couple of days staying in my bed losing all the appetite for food wanting to solve things for my self I finally got a conclusion for myself to leave this city and start somewhere new knowing its gonna be hard but I'm going to aim for it and become independent so I don't need to be dependent of others so I wrote a letter to my dad saying.

The Letter

"I am so sorry dad If I am a nuisance and a burden to you I am leaving this city and going somewhere far because I don't wanna be a burden on you I always try to make you happy but how can I make you happy when you think of me as a burden so it's probably better to go away from your life because I think at least that will make you happy and if that is so then I will stay away from you but don't you worry I will send you some money from my earnings as soon as I get a job. I hope you take care of yourself and stop drinking.

Your daughter,


I wrote the letter and kept it on the table, I packed all my stuff and took the money I was saving for a long time and left quickly before he wakes up.

It was pretty much everywhere dark outside so I went to the train station which was the last train I guess

At station

I went to the ticket counter and gave him the money to buy the ticket

And then he asked "which city will you stop at "

I couldn't hear properly what he said as I was in my thoughts thinking about the mess made by my dad which took all over my head and thinking about what I am going to do again and again.

Ticket man loudly asked "At which city would you like to stop by miss"

As he asked me twice my thoughts cleared up and I hesitantly said "the last stop please"

Then he gave me the ticket. To be completely honest I didn't even know what was the last stop was going to take me to, so when the train came by quicker than I thought I would, I quickly rushed inside by taking all my stuff. I looked around for an open seat many of them were empty but I was a bit scared to sit alone since it's the first time for me to go somewhere alone without even knowing where so I searched somewhere to sit with the same gender as mine, luckily I did find one person who kinda looked the same age as mine so I sat beside her. I felt a bit sleepy so I slept thinking about Noah and dad when I didn't even want to think about them anymore because all they gave me was depression and nothing else...

The next early morning

The sun rays woke me up as I rubbed my eyes and yawn by stretching my arms down as they become stiff. I asked the girl beside me to where this last stop was leading me the girl said.....

"Oh, you don't know where this last stop is leading to?"

I replied:- "Yeah laughs awkwardly I don't, I just wanted to go somewhere other than this city so I barely got time to search where this was taking me too." Smiles awkwardly rubbing my back hair

Then she replied, "Ahaan giggles it's okay and this last stop will take you to a city called Elysian in 15mins."

"Thanks for letting me know." smiles at her she seems like a nice person I wonder why she must be going to that city or maybe she lives there. I silently waited for the last stop to arrive....

After spending those hours the train finally stopped, the announcement was made as the train stopped saying to safely take your stuff and leave so it could leave for the next station

I quickly pulled my luggage out and stepped out of the train

The moment I came out of the station area I saw this beautiful city around me, My heart did sort of feel fresh and a little happy after seeing the beautiful environment but also when I thought about this city that it's quite more expensive than where I used to live because its the main city of the country where the Ruler of this country lives managing it all so it's quite obvious to be costly. But then I realized something that whatever may happen it might be happening for the best and as it's my fate that took me here there is a good meaning to it with some obstacles that I need to pass on and will be the door to freedom and happiness. Thinking all about it I kept a bright smile on my face as I started walking with my stuff......

Will Rose ever be able to find happiness in her wishes and dreams or sadness to her unwanted fate~

Keep reading to know her fate in the next coming chapters... :)








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